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Summer 2003 Contest
Stats & Discussion -- Summer 2003 Contest -- Mark III
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From: Cthulhu | Posted: 9/2/2003 10:40:03 AM | Message Detail
Just wanted to pop in and say that I was one of the few who thought that based on Sephiroth's performance this year, that he'd beat out Mega Man by at least 60%:

So logically, Sephiroth should also beat Megaman with approximately 60%-65%

Sorry, just wanted to toot my own horn there for a bit! ;D

When Sephiroth killed Mario with 60%, I knew this match was over. Again, going by Cloud = Sephiroth, you could see that Sephiroth gained 10 freaking percent over this last year! Thats just phenomenal

Cloud vs Sephiroth is just one of those matches that cannot be called until it actually happens, and even then it might be hard. They are the ONLY characters in the elite that are from the same exact game(and even made cameos in the same game) and from everything I've ever read or seen about FFVII over the past 6 years, their fanbase is split pretty evenly down the middle

The vote total will of course drop from all the FFVII hate but I really think this match has the potential to be the closest in the entire contest. People like me who enjoyed FFVII and Kingdom Hearts will no doubt be split on who to pick, I know I am. In fact, I not to immediately vote but wait until I see the vote totals and then voting for whoever's losing. I just cant decide between them and I'll bet a lot of people are like me too
From: Yesmar | Posted: 9/2/2003 10:55:17 AM | Message Detail
Hmmm... why was CJayC so hell-bent on using the Wind Waker pics?

I've been wondering the same thing.

Well, at least the last one was really cool.
Evile Ninja Team Member
The wind...It is blowing.--Ganondorf in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
From: MyWorldIsSquare | Posted: 9/2/2003 10:56:42 AM | Message Detail

Cloud VS Sephiroth Preview

You know, I thought this would happen during the 2002 character contest. But it didn't, and Nintendo characters dominated that time, so naturally I chose a Sonic VS Mega Man final this year and...bah.

Anyway, Cloud VS Sephiroth is pretty much a given at this point. The question is, who wins? It's a damn tough call, because being from the same game and all, they tend to attract the same type of fans.

The types of voters who prefer the underdog would have reason to choose Cloud OR Sephy. Cloud is the "underdog" throughout much of FF7...constantly underestimated until he finally beats the sliver-haired bad boy. Furthermore, being a better rounded character, it's hard not to identify with Cloud, who has the same kinds of mental instabilities and self-image problems that most of us teenagers have.

Still, from a different perspective, Sephiroth wins the "underdog" vote because he's never actually beaten Cloud, and a lot of people would like to see the villain win.

How about the FF7 fanboy vote? I think the fanboys tend to favor Sephy...Sephy seems to be more idolized and he has a larger share of blind followers. Still, Cloud certainly isn't far behind.

Bracket voters? I think more people had Sephiroth making the finals over Cloud, so I wouldn't be surprised if more bracket voters swung Sephy's way. Still, though, yet another very close catagory to call.

New-school fans who are new to FF but voted Sephy and Cloud this year because of KH? Again, this vote is split down the middle. Heck, I know some kids who don't even know Sephy is in the game (he's a completely optional boss fight, after all). Others prefer Cloud's look and voice in KH. Still, others saw KH as a redeeming factor for Sephiroth, because whereas the masamune-wielder was easy to dispatch in FF7, he was really, *really* tough in KH.

The old-school FF6-era vote? You know, the types who love the FF series before 7? For some reason, I'd think most would choose Cloud over Sephiroth, if only because A: Cloud has better character development and B: Sephiroth is constantly reminded to not be half the villain Kefka was.

How about the Nintendo vote? Well, it would be mostly anti-votes at this point, but on the one hand, Cloud's taken out Link. On the other hand, Sephy's taken out Mario. A Nintendo fan is bound to want to anti-vote both!

For that matter, Capcom fans are likely angry at Sephy for beating Mega Man...but Sega fans are likely angry at Cloud for beating Sonic. Seems like the anti-votes totally cancel themselves out.

So who's going to win? I'll be rooting and voting for Cloud (superior, realistic character development > inferior villain IMO).

BUT, I'm predicting a Sephiroth victory. (Hell, that way I'll 'win' regardless). Seriously, though, Cloud's really the underdog here, with Sephy's stronger FF7-fanboy fanbase I'm expecting a 52-55% victory for the One Winged Angel.

That`s for Crono, you fatassed Italian-wannabe waterpistol-packing plumber boy!! ~ UltimaterializerX
From: steve illumina | Posted: 9/2/2003 12:05:00 PM | Message Detail
One Final Analysis from the Desk of Steve Illumina
Cloud vs Sephiroth...
My Bracket: Seph over Link, Prediction: Seph by 50.90%

My World Is Square summed up pretty much everything I was gonna say here. So I wont repeat it...nice job. And I totally agree with all of it.

I will say however that Seph has the intangible known as momentum going for him. Strong wins over all he has faced this year. Raziel, Max, Alucard, Mario and Mega Man all fell by 60% or more. Cloud did not match this feat with his victories. The 60% streak ends here, but Seph's win streak does not. Seph will win a tight close final.

And by winning it since I had Seph taking it all, he will end up giving me a decent final score of 145/192, a better score than all but 1% of the brackets if I have estimated correctly. Sure its not Top 50 material, but hey, its not too bad to be in the top 1%. I look forward to finding out for sure where I finish, assuming Seph wins of course!

Contest Score: 113/160 Bracket Final Match Pick: Sephiroth
"You are a failed specimen..." -Prof. Hojo to Cloud, FF7
From: Enoch Camas | Posted: 9/2/2003 3:05:44 PM | Message Detail
Well. I must say I'm impressed with Cloud and Sephiroth. It looks like a good majority of the new voters this year are FF fans, which would explain the success of Squall, Cloud, and Sephiroth.

I also remembered that a young Tidus is in KH, so perhaps that's why he did so well against Ganondorf?

Unless Mega Man can manage nearly 90,000 votes in this match, he'll place behind Link at 4th(rankings based on total votes). Samus is 5th(woohoo!), followed by Mario, who closely edges out number seven, Solid Snake. Crono beats out Sonic for 8th(ouch for Sonic fans), and Aeris rounds out the top ten. Squall's 11th this year. Talk about a big jump from last year.

Fun fact: If Cloud beats Sephiroth in the finals in a close match, Sephiroth can still rank higher than him in total amount of votes.
"Do these huggies make my ass look big?" - Stewie Griffin
Vote Mega Man!
From: Slowflake | Posted: 9/2/2003 4:32:11 PM | Message Detail
Funny, I was about to bring up Tidus too.

So he's practically on par with Magus, who got destroyed by Link 65-35. Last year he was beat by Sonic 58-42. Did he improve? I'd tend to say yes, but much less than Squall, Cloud, Sephiroth or Aeris. Why? Is it because his part in Kingdom Hearts isn't big enough? I have no idea, since I know diddly squat about KH, except that Cloud and Sephiroth got involved in a threesome with Morrigan in between games. j/k... Okay, back to Tidus. Squall seemed much inferior last year, but this year he's pretty much caught up.

Oh, if Solar charged us a penny each time KH is mentioned in this topic, he could retire right away.

I'm surprised that so many people here think Sephiroth will beat Cloud... but they tend to make too big a fuss about revenge votes. Cloud losing to Link 58-42 last year would make sense to me... But then again, like I said, in such a match, numbers mean about as much here as Kirby's hair color. Let human nature have its way... when they see a movie, we always expect good to win (even though Cloud looks like a villain and Seph like a good guy in KH). *hands Solar a penny*

That's why I think Cloud will win the Summer Contest... with an Omnislash up Link's ass! Man, that guy who made the Cloud vs. CATS video was a psychic.
Summer 2003 Contest: Slowflake (CAN) . . . . 122/144, 32 lost . . . . T-146 (38-way)
Today's pick: Sephiroth over Megaman
From: Samberdog | Posted: 9/2/2003 4:54:15 PM | Message Detail
Wow. Just about everyone got pwned in the last few days.

I guess it's fitting that while last year's final was a Nintendo fan's wet dream, this year's will be equally attractive to Square fans. The parallels are a little eerie (Mario = finals 2k2, elite 8 in 2k3/ Cloud = elite 8 in 2k2, finals in 2k3/ Link = finals in 2k2, final four in 2k3/Sephiroth = final four in 2k3, finals in 2k2).

Fortunately, 2K3's final should be a lot closer than last summer's. It was pretty obvious that Link would dominate Mario last year. Mario just scraped by Cloud and Crono, while Link destroyed Sephiroth with 57%.

The effect Kingdom Hearts has had on this contest is astounding. Cloud, Sephiroth, Squall, and Aeris all did much better this year... could you imagine if Crono had had a cameo?

I definitely didn't see this coming, but I'm a little glad it did (even if it does come at the expense of my bracket, and the analysis topic (remember that!?)). It keeps things fresh, unpredictable, and exciting. I'd say there's a much better chance of another contest next year than there would have been had Link won again.

My prediction on tomorrow's final? I'd probably say Cloud. I've never played FFVII, so I can't really comment on the characters, but he's the hero and I respect that. And, like Snowflake mentioned a while ago, the thought of an NPC winning a videogame character contest is a little offputting. Anyway, if I didn't have another agenda, I'd be voting Cloud for sure.
From: Seijun | Posted: 9/2/2003 5:05:45 PM | Message Detail
Tidus was depicted as a little kid in Kingdom Hearts. I'd think that that would explain why he didn't receive as big a boost as everyone else. :p

Also, remember that Tidus's game was in the PS2 already. That's one overlap more than everyone else.

Okay, what else... oh right.

*waves Sephy flags to beat Cloud in the finals* :p

Apparently Shion is more concerned with her weapon of mass destruction appreciating the beauty of spring and the sweetness of a baby's smile.
From: Slowflake | Posted: 9/2/2003 5:22:13 PM | Message Detail
Thanks Seijun. I must've overestimated the overlap with FF8 and FF7 characters by a whole lot. If only I knew...

I still am in awe at what happened yesterday. It's like seeing Goldberg being pinned clean in the middle of the ring.
Summer 2003 Contest: Slowflake (CAN) . . . . 122/144, 32 lost . . . . T-146 (38-way)
Today's pick: Sephiroth over Megaman
From: Old Master Q | Posted: 9/2/2003 7:14:38 PM | Message Detail
I still am in awe at what happened yesterday. It's like seeing Goldberg being pinned clean in the middle of the ring.

I haven't followed wrestling since Steve Austin went out on a neck injury... but ..... did Goldberg EVER lose?
Done for in the Sum2k3 contest
From: cyko | Posted: 9/2/2003 7:17:18 PM | Message Detail
a Final Fantasy 7 Final Match, eh? well, i said that if anyone could beat Link, it would have to be Cloud. i was kinda doubtful, but it looks like he managed the impossible. i also remember a bunch of people who said:

"whine, whine, whine.... Link shouldn't be in this contest this year because he's going to win and win every year. nobody will be able to beat him. take him out of the contest!"

hah! he did wind up losing, even with three or four times more brackets than his challenger. see? a character can't stay popular forever. once enough people wanted to see a different character win, Link was bound to lose popularity. it was just enough to put Cloud over the top.

now, who to chose between Cloud and Sephiroth? well, it beats the heck out of me. i've wondered about this possible match for a long time. both characters have absolutely crushed their opposition; Cloud dethroned Link, but Sephiroth never reached below the sixty percent mark, even against Mario AND Megaman. 0_o dang.

all i can say for sure is that for Final Fantasy 7 fans this match is a dream come true. but for everyone else, it's kind of anti-climatic.

"We're not doing this for money............ we're doing this for a ****load of money!"- Lonestar
Trivia 9 - Cheese Strikes Back
From: creativename | Posted: 9/2/2003 7:59:30 PM | Message Detail
Creativename - in that type of match, numbers go straight out of the window.

I think that this contest has proved that the numbers never go out the window. It's all about the calculations, baby! The fact that I've had the closest guess in the Oracle challenge 3 times in the past week is probably proof enough of this :) Once I started adjusting for Kingdom Hearts, every match was predictable to an uncanny extent.

Just wanted to pop in and say that I was one of the few who thought that based on Sephiroth's performance this year, that he'd beat out Mega Man by at least 60%

I think most people expected him to win by that much, actually. Steve is wrong here, this was not a surprise to most in this thread, I think.

So he's practically on par with Magus, who got destroyed by Link 65-35. Last year he was beat by Sonic 58-42. Did he improve? I'd tend to say yes, but much less than Squall, Cloud, Sephiroth or Aeris.

Tidus actually stayed exactly the same, according to the calculations.

Why? Is it because his part in Kingdom Hearts isn't big enough?

I completely forgot Tidus was even in the game. I've only played parts of the game, but I do know he's not in in at all except for the tutorial at the beginning where him, Wakka, and Selphie make appearances as little kids.

could you imagine if Crono had had a cameo?

Imagine Frog in Kingdom Hearts 2... <drools>

once enough people wanted to see a different character win, Link was bound to lose popularity

Link's popularity did not decrease at all, I can assure you of that. Both Cloud and Sephiroth of this year would have beaten Link '02.
Frog must be in the 2004 character battle, if there is one.
Remember to nominate Frog in 2004!
From: solarshadow | Posted: 9/2/2003 8:24:18 PM | Message Detail
Just like last year, I've put up a Third Place poll on the stats site. Go ahead and vote.
Contest Stats:
From: uncle5555 | Posted: 9/2/2003 11:47:34 PM | Message Detail
Well this is probably going to be one of my last posts in this topic, it's been a wild ride this year. I saw my bracket take hits early on (due to unknowns and underestimations on my part) then get blown out on round three due to overestimation. I'm glad I entered this year it gave me a sense of what I missed out on last year, but at least last year I was able to vote for who I liked rather than for who I picked. (In a perfect world I could do both.)

What to say, to say the least I was shocked to see Cloud dethrone Link to go to the finals, nay sayers or not, I know a lot of people didn't expect it, whether they say so (band wagon jumping or not) it was highly surprising. Since today's vote didn't matter (for me) I voted for Cloud as he is my main man when I play the game, so personal choice nothing more.

I'm going to wrap up with what I want to see next year, and not really analyze my bracket or the contest this year in general and make a few points.

For starters, the contest needs to be adjusted as I stated in an earlier post, it is beyond my scope and vision as to what that exactly is but something, to make the contest fresh (even though it's only 2 years old) there are only so many *known* game characters the "gene" pool will become shallow and the same characters will continually make it to the top and it will be tiresome of the year after year of same-ole same-ole.

I would personally like to see a best game (not character) but game, I know RPG's (in recent years, ie. 1997-) have taken a unheard of dominance in US and Europe gaming which never had happen outside of Japan before FF7. So there would be a bias like this year with a bracket heavy with RPG characters. (I don't know the exact number without looking but I want to guess there was about 10 or more from Square and other companies) which in my mind made for a very shallow contest.

I would like to see one year without controversy (I know I'm dreaming) but it would be nice to say the least. And either CjayC needs to hand the reins over to an impartial entity to judge the competition to take from any bias that might crop up. Either that or try something new, my guess was this year he wanted to try again to see if it was better than last year (which in my view he succeeded) and create a "tradition" out of it, but frankly there was not as much excitement and that missing something from this year. Tradition is nice but overrated as far as this competition is concerned.

So anyway the contest needs to evolve, change, or become something completely different altogether. Or in my bleak narrow minded view go away altogether, but where's all the fun in that huh?

Well it's been fun reading everyone's comments over these past few months and predictions and analyses, Solarshadow keep up the excellent work, kudos for a excellent job well done.

Been fun all, see ya on the flip side and hopefully an invigorated contest next year.

Cheers. =)
From: Cthulhu | Posted: 9/2/2003 11:52:12 PM | Message Detail
I like this topic and I'm bored, a deadly combination(wow, I wrote a lot more than I realized O_O)

In order to continue to make the Summer Contest the best ever, the eternal search for the best 64 characters continues. Looking at least year's and this year's results, I've come up with a list of characters that should make next year's battle(provided that there is one) be the best yet. I think, though, someone has already made a similar topic, but I have no idea where it is and if it still exists so I hope that person wont mind me doing the same thing here

These characters are here because they should get the most votes and in theory, have the biggest fanbases and make the contest more intersting. So it comes as no surprise that the Elite 8 from this year and last year(except Scorpion) should automatically make it. Their epic fights have proven they can stand up to the best. Though a few stand out from the rest, they are all icons in their own right

First Tier(icons of gaming)
Mega Man

As Kingdom Hearts has shown us this year, one great game can propel a potential sleeper into a winner. Cloud and Sephiroth gained 10% over the span of one year, theres no question that something like that can make any of these guys potential winners

The second tier consists of new and old characters that have done well in the contest to warrant them being there. Some of these are surprising, as their upsets undoubtably proved, but all are great characters in their own right. Will they ever beat the first tier? Probably not, but you never know. Snake seems like one of those characters who would have been a middle tier guy if it wasnt for the release of Metal Gear Solid. I mean seriously, what did he have before then? 2 NES games that most people have forgotten? Give one of these second tier guys a starring role in their own game, make sure that game is great, and you'll probably have yourself a new first tier character. Or just give him a cameo in Kingdom Hearts 2 :D

Another great thing about these guys is that they are some of the most fun characters to watch battle. They are good, but can be blown out. Their matches are usually full of speculation and the results dont really become clear until the match has actually gone down, or in the case of Magus vs Ganon, after it was over. They can either be destroyed by the first tier like Alucard was, or come close to upsetting them(Shadow vs. Mario). They are many times the sidekicks and the lackeys, but are cool in their own right. Amongst each other, few stand out as clear favorites. They are the ones who destroy brackets and send people weeping, but a lucky pick can propel you past half the competition

Second Tier(deserve to be here)

From: Cthulhu | Posted: 9/2/2003 11:52:44 PM | Message Detail
You'll notice that I've omitted a lot of characters that theoretically should have been in the second tier. KOS-MOS was only defeated by Samus and Luigi got 70000 in his first round, they seem like sure bets. I'll admit, after these guys, the tiers start getting tricky. My third tier consists of characters that could very well be in the second tier, but are not definite yet. Some of them havent really been truly tested by someone close to their status. Ken faced a first tier character in both years and expectedly lost, so we dont really know how strong he is yet unlike Alucard who was also destroyed, but at least he's got some definite wins over lower tiered characters to warrant him being here. Others like KOS-MOS, Luigi, Dante, and Yoshi have basically faced scrubs until they were wiped out by someone in a higher tier. As Mario vs Servbot has shown us, the bottom-feeders are not a good judge of popularity

A few might be wondering where Donkey Kong and Vercetti was given that they had a close match and seemed to be decently strong. However, their fates intertwined and thus could not be called true second tier characters. Last year, Donkey Kong mopped the floor with a nobody named Bub, squeaked by Aya, and was eated by Mario like a south asian monkey dish. Vercetti didnt blow out Kite like everyone expected and ran into the 200lb gorilla known as Donkey Kong, after which he was blasted and had his shotgun stolen by Mega Man who promptly gave it up for something that didnt suck. Since we have no idea how popular Kite really is, we dont know how popular Vercetti is either. Thats why he's here

Thus the third tier consists of guys who might just be worthy of fanboyish worship, or they might be duds masqerading as diamonds. A lot of them played supporting roles in their games, and a still others just didnt make as much of an impact as characters. Theres hope for them, but these guys are replaceable if a good game suddenly comes along next year and introduces someone much more interesting. A few of these guys might even have wrongly been included over a more popular character from the same franchise, but more on that later in the Unknown Tier

Third Tier(they've got something to prove)
Donkey Kong
Jill Valentine
Claire Redfield

Now we come to the lower tier. These guys pretty much wont win a match against anyone, unless its each other, and even then they'll never make it past the second round. I dont care if they've got a bracket placement like Scorpion last year, they're toast. Theres not going to be two of these guys overseeded for them to face each other in the second round again, they'll always(from now on anyways) be at the lower end of the division, facing numbers #1-6, whom they will surely lose to. Going back over the two contests, we see that in the rare instance where two of these guys faced each other, its always due to overseeding; Pac-Man wont be #1 again, Jill wont be #3, and Lara Croft wont be #1. A lot of them come from recently released games which just happened to be popular enough around the time of the Summer Contest for them to make it in(all 3 Animal Crossing characters, Sam Fisher, Golden Sun characters). They're one hit wonders, they come in, make a big splash, lots of naive people thinking they'll do decent, and then they fizzle and are never seen again. Basically, just throw everyone else who was in the contest that I havent mentioned into this tier, theres no point separating who's worse, its like kicking dirt on dirt

Fourth Tier(completely replaceable)
Everyone else

From: Cthulhu | Posted: 9/2/2003 11:53:15 PM | Message Detail
I've named the last tier the Unknowns. As the namesake suggests, we have no idea how they'll do because they have never been in the contest. I think a lot of these guys can do better than the characters from the contest that come from the same game as they do, people just didnt nominate them for one reason or another. Sometimes its because they are not the main character(but is way cooler) like Mewtwo, sometimes its just a matter of preference. I took a lot of these from all the snubbed contest polls by Pokemaniac Will and rewind2482 so a lot of credit should go to others for their insightfulness. I'll offer an analysis of each one to gauge how popular I think they'll be

Chun Li
M. Bison

Replacing Ken in the contest should be one of these three. Chun Li is one of the first and best female fighters. Her style was different from the many Ryu and Ken clones. She didnt have a fireball(originally) but her jumping ability and speed more than made up for that. In the hands of an expert, she can blind you with her moves before you'd have a chance to react. Remember front + roundhouse? I hated that kicked, it got me every time

M. Bison, the dictator of the fictional Shadowloo, was a boss that had many slamming their controllers in frustration. Originally called Vega, his name was changed in the American version because the black boxer's real name of M. Bison resembled Mike Tyson too much. Bison remains as still one of the cheapest bosses in 2D fighting game history. Back and forth, back and forth he flew, use an occassional throw, and you're pretty much set

Akuma didnt appear in Street Fighter until Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, where he was a secret boss and selectable in the arcades if you know the method. To my knowledge, he was the first chracter with an air fireball and that had many players scrambling to master him. In the storyline, he was the evil brother of Ryu and Ken's master, who took the dark path of Shotokan karate and killed his brother and now is hellbent on getting the two students

From: Cthulhu | Posted: 9/2/2003 11:54:32 PM | Message Detail

Mortal Kombat needs a new representative. Last year Scorpion may have made it into the Elite 8, but he faced Kazuya Mishima, Max Payne, and Pac-Man, all Fourth Tier characters. To me, Scorpion was never the most popular in the MK series anyways, that honor has always seemed to belong to Sub-Zero. Wasnt he the starring character in MK Mythologies? And Raiden was portrayed excellently by Christopher Lambert in the first Mortal Kombat movie, one of the only movies based on a game that didnt completely suck. The Thunder God and the Popsicle were always popular in my arcades so I think its about time Scorpion retired

Mai Shiranui

She's from King of Fighters and she's hot. I mean, really hot. No, even hotter than that. No really, think of the hottest girl in video games, then make her 10 times hotter and you'll get Mai. I dont really know if she belongs here or if she's even that popular, but I for one will vote for her just to see her contest picture

Cyborg Ninja

Lets face it, Snake was cool, but he wasnt the coolest character in Metal Gear Solid. That honor is strictly reserved for the Ninja. While I wont spoil he identity here, I can tell you that if there was one wet dream MGS fans have, its to be able to play through the game as the Ninja. Cloaking device, sword, super jump, what else could you ask for? If it wasnt for what happened at the end of the first MGS, we might have been treated to a Ninja vs. Snake battle. That'd be harder to pick than Mario vs. Crono


A staple of the snubbed entrants, the black mage from Final Fantasy IX seems to me like he's got all of the FF fans behind him and none of the hate. Maybe its because he was so small and cuddly looking, or maybe its cause he fell down a lot, we may never know. All I know is he'll do well in the contest, perhaps even better than Aeris. If he makes any kind of appearance in Kingdom Hearts 2, look for him to join the second tier. I'm dead serious about this, I love Vivi, he rocks


The ultimate question for all Final Fantasy VII fans: Cloud or Sephiroth? Since that question is gonna be answered in this year's contest, we turn to the other question of FFVII: Aeris or Tifa? The huge breasted martial arts expert was Cloud's childhood friend and always had a crush on him, though she could never verbalize it. Her place in Cloud heart was seemingly taken by Aeris, until THE SPOILER. That one event probably endeared Aeris to a lot of people, but hey, Tifa's still there. What other girl would stand by Cloud's side as he chased after ghosts, went out on a date with another girl, and was turned into a babbling idiot by the Lifestream? Tifa would, thats who. She deserves to be in this contest more than half the entrants and with the FFVII machine backing her, I'm positive she'll Dolphin Punch most of them into oblivion


Is Rikkus more popular than Yuna? While Yuna got the main character rub in FFX, with FFX-2 coming out, Rikku should make up any difference between her and Yuna easily. Her thong, skirt, and bikini costume notwithstanding, she was always pretty popular with the FF fans. She was the life of the group, the spunky, young female who was energetic as she was cute. She reminded me of Yuffie, only without the burglary and that butt-wiping motion that Yuffie always did

From: Cthulhu | Posted: 9/2/2003 11:55:19 PM | Message Detail

Final Fantasy VI, the game that is loved by the hardcore fans of FF as the best in the series before it turned mainstream. All of these characters are classics, but as Kefka showed, not all of them have a chance. These six seems to be the most popular so I've put them here, you may disagree but I'm the one who's spending an hour to type all this stuff up so you're gonna sit there and shut up and like it! ....sorry, got off on a tangent there

Anyhoo, of these four, Terra's probably seen as the closest FFVI has to a main character. You begin the story with her and a large part of it has to do with her in some way or another. You only meet the other guys on Terra's journey. Shadow's by far the coolest, he'll get votes for his pic alone. Sabin's arguably the strongest. His Blitz attacks got me through many a battle and was an innovation in RPGs that only battled through the point and click interface. Celes is the classic villain turned good guy. She begins as a Magitek Empire general but defects to your side. Her opera scene is still listed today as one of the most memorable moments in video game history and I felt the CG done of that scene in FF Anthology was spectacular


Cecil the Dark Knight embarks on a seemingly simple little mission to deliver a package to a town of summoners and thus begins the epic story of Final Fantasy IV, another old school FF that many consider superior to the graphic-intensive newer FFs. Having already questioned his loyalties after stealing the crystal from the peaceful mages of Mysidia, Cecil quest will change him from dark to light and take him from underground to the moon in search for the crystals. Along the way, his friend Kain the Dragoon is constantly there by his side, unless he's being brainwashed again. Evil Kain seems to me to be a reflection of what Cecil might have been had he continued on the path to darkness. For much of the game, they are a reflection of each other's best and worst qualities. When they join forces in the end as you knew they would, they are truly unstoppable. The man responsible for their opposition is none other than Golbez, who holds a secret that Cecil finds out later that shocks him. Maybe Golbez is Cecil's real dark side manifested. His power and mastery of the darkness is similar to Cecil's control over the light. In the wrong hands, it can turn men mad, as Golbez proves soundly over and over again


He is the King of Dragons, the first summon monster to appear in FF(though not as a summon) and one of the mainstays of the franchise. From humble beginnings ruling a group of dragons deposed from their homeland to the awesome spectacle of unleashing nuclear flare upon your enemies as a summon, Bahamut is as quintessentially Final Fantasy as spiky-haired, sword-weilding, angst-ridden main characters

On the other side of the coin, the Chocobo is equally Final Fantasy, having been there since Final Fantasy II. Always as a means of transportation of some kind, the yellow bird is a staple of mini-games and sight-seeing the large, polygonal worlds of Final Fantasy. If horse racing was replaced with Chocobo racing in real life, I might actually watch it

Mog, or moogles, were originally not on this list. I felt they hadnt been in enough Final Fantasies to justify putting them in alongside of Bahamut and the Chocobo. Mog was also not one of the main characters from FFVI, so he didnt deserve it as Terra, Sabin, Shadow, and Celes did. However moogles were in Kingdom Hearts, and we all saw what that game did for Cloud and Sephiroth. So put in Mog, he cant do any worse than AiAi

From: Cthulhu | Posted: 9/2/2003 11:55:49 PM | Message Detail

Ok, last Final Fantasy, I promise

Kuja is dubiously known is that "girl you thought was hot when you first saw her but then realized he's a guy". I dont know, I still thought he was hot. Why he was wearing a thong I'll never know, but he was one of the better character villains from the FF series(as opposed to monster villains which just sorta appear at the end or are huge beasts[like Sin] that you never really talk to). Why should the world live without him? Good question, and why should the Summer Contest go on without him in it?


Pokemon, how the mighty have fallen. It used to be that you couldnt turn on a TV without seeing a pokemon, you could visit a hobby shop without seeing pokemon cards, and you couldnt mention Nintendo without someone saying what a massive success that Pokemon was. Well, Pokemon is still a gaming success but like many things pushed onto the consumers, the consumers pushed back. Backlash happened, I dont know when, but it was severe. Nobody plays Pokemon cards anymore, favoring Yu-Gi-Oh! to the simplistic battles of small animals and Pikachu's name was roundly uttered only as a curse upon those whom you wished the blackest death. But all is not lost! Charizard, one of the original and still loved Pokemon should do much better than Pikachu in the contest. He doesnt have the kiddy label and looks like a cool, fire-breathing dragon

Mewtwo is just such a badass that he could do practically anything he wants. Conceived in a lab by humans, he was supposed to be a clone of the legendary Mew, but became out of control. He is the Pokemon Magneto, favoring his race to rule instead of the inferior humans with the power to back it up. Pikachu should be gone next year and one of these two put in his place. Personally, I like Psyduck, he's funny, but I have a feeling he'd get slaughtered

Proto Man

Hey, if Zero can do it, why not Proto Man? Originally Mega Man's brother....well, thats really all I know about him. I havent played much Mega Man since the NES days, sorry. Feel free to come up with something for him


Ok creativename, happy now? A giant frog who was turned into that by another character in the Summer Contest, Frog is a cult favorite. Personally, I thought he was just ok, but that may be because I'm not much for amphibians. But I hear he's got a large following, so in he goes


Ghaleon, a villain from the Lunar series, is comparable to Kefka in that he's got a large following from fans of the game, but possibly little beyond it. But we'll have to see if he ever makes it into the contest. Theres no doubting that he's cool and I think the American voice actor for him was superb. He really sounded like some arrogant punk who you just wanted to punch in the face. But he's a great villain nonetheless and makes a great foil for the silent heroes of Lunar. Unlike a lot of villain, he actually accomplishes a lot of what he sets out to do. And seriously, he probably got in on with Luna after she turned all evil and slutty. I mean I really doubt that she herself picked out that outfit. Ghaleon probably had that thing in a back closet somewhere just waiting until the day he seduces a hot girl like that with his wiles. Yeah, Ghaleon is cool and he's bad, who else has sex with the main character's girlfriend? Ghaleon!

From: Cthulhu | Posted: 9/2/2003 11:56:34 PM | Message Detail
Luca Blight

I've never played Suikoden but from what I've heard of this guy, he's seriously a evil mental nutcase. I might even go out and get Suikoden 2 just cause of him

Joanna Dark

Unlike the other 2 first person shooter main characters, Joanna Dark is someone you get the game you play as. Max Payne's always got that stupid look on his face and half of the people who played Half-Life probably dont know who Gordon Freeman is, but not Ms Dark here. She's like Bond(and made by the same company too), you wanna play the game because you wanna be cool like she is. Not to mention smoking hot. She's one first person shooter hero that should be in the contest and one reason why I've rethought my stupid inclination that the Doom or Quake Marine would have any kind of a shot in the contest


Why isnt anyone from one of the best RPGs in the contest?? I'll tell you why, cause it only sold like 100000 copies in the US, thats why. But seriously, if you can get your hands on this game, do so. In there are some of the deepest and most memorable characters in any RPG ever made. Though FF's suffered a bit of a backlash, there is almost universal acclaim for Xenogears. I'm not gonna tell you anything about them cause they are just so damn cool that I wouldnt want to spoil one second of the game for you, but all 3(heh heh) of these guys will make an impression on you. Oh, and Grahf's theme rocks, try playing it in your CD player while you're driving someday, you'll end up doing 100mpg before you even realize it

Dr Wily

The eternal(well, not anymore I guess) foil to Mega Man will always be remembered for all those robots he made with cool weapons that just cant seem to stand up to one blue bomber with what looks like a pellet gun. Maybe if Dr Wily made it so that his robots' cant have their powers stolen, he'd be ruling the world from some skull castle somewhere. But even though the mad doctor probably has a degree in every engineering and computer field known to man, he still cant make a decent impregnable fortress. How will Dr Wily fare against Mega Man in a field where his own creations arent being used against him? Maybe he'll win for once

Ryu Hayabusa

Pretty much all of the top tiered characters are from games that people have grown up with 15 or so years ago. So to find someone who can challenge the elites, you have to go back(or make a cameo in Kingdom Hearts 2, heh heh) many years. What great character can rise up from the shadows and challenge the likes of Sonic, Mario, and Link? None other than the holder of the dragon sword, the slayer of demons, and a freaking NINJA that flips out and kills people! Ryu Hayabusa, winner of the Summer Contest 2004! Ryu's got a legitimate shot at the upper tiers, Tecmo's making a new game and if its good(unlike Shinobi), we just might see a certain father-avenging, non-street fighting ninja in the contest next year


I think the only reason the Queen of Blades has been overlooked is because this site seems to be a lot more geared to console games than PC games. StarCraft is insanely popular. Hell, they have sport-like tournaments of SC in Korea like we have playoffs. Its got a kickass storyline, terrific gameplay, and memorable characters. All we need is for people to remember how badass Kerrigan was and we have a ready-made upper tier character. Or the PC curse can wipe out Kerrigan like it did to Guybrush, Gordon, and Max

Anyways, those are my thoughts on next year. Suggestions, comments, and flames are welcome
From: Cthulhu | Posted: 9/3/2003 12:21:36 AM | Message Detail
Oh yeah, and I almost forgot to post an idea I had for next year's contest. It'll probably suck, but you be the judge

Since the final 8 are pretty much gonna be the same characters, we should try and extend the fun middle part of the contest as much as possible. By that, we should make the contest a 128 character battle featuring old new, and weird characters all fighting it out for the right to be #10. Since one poll a day will take forever, such a tournament should give us 2 polls a day to vote on. I think it'll be fun to watch all the madness unfold with double the characters, double the battles, but all held in the same span of time, what do you guys think?
From: steve illumina | Posted: 9/3/2003 6:03:55 AM | Message Detail
Very good posts bud! And I agree with most of it all! Only 2 characters I would add for sure are Sigma from the Mega Man X series and Sweet Tooth from the Twisted Metal games. These two belong next year and I plan to nominate them officially when the time comes.

But nice job regardless! And I like the double poll, 128 peeps idea...I am always in favor of more characters!
Contest Score: 113/160 Bracket Final Match Pick: Sephiroth
NFL Week 1: Miami Dolphins! over Houston by 14
From: Slowflake | Posted: 9/3/2003 8:54:57 AM | Message Detail
OMG... I expected Cloud to be dominating here. Guess this once more slams the common fanbase theory. Then... why did Vercetti do twice better against Megaman than DK against Mario, assuming Vercetti=DK and Megaman=Mario? Weird.

Remember what we said about Squall vs. Luigi? The hypothesis was that combined with Mario vs. Cloud:

Cloud >>>>> Squall
Mario >>>>>>>>>>>> Luigi

But with Cloud's improvement, this no longer holds true, and the two relationships seem about equal with each other.

I thought today's match would be even more boring than Mario vs. Link, you know, same game being worse than just same company and all. But what a show this is! And the pic was worth the entrance price alone.

Coming soon: every single character in SC history and their win counts (assuming Cloud keeps his lead, of course).
Sig update soon...
From: Slowflake | Posted: 9/3/2003 8:57:27 AM | Message Detail
Oh, and I love the 128-characters-and-2-polls-a-day idea. But I'd like it for the quarterfinals and beyond to be just one per day. Also, it should start on June 15 next time, so it doesn't interfere with the beginning of school.
Sig update soon...
From: Slowflake | Posted: 9/3/2003 9:15:15 AM | Message Detail

10 wins


9 wins

Cloud Strife

8 wins

Mario Mario

6 wins

Solid Snake
Samus Aran

5 wins

Sonic the Hedgehog

4 wins

Aeris Gainsborough

3 wins

Donkey Kong

2 wins

Lara Croft
Knuckles the Echidna
Squall Leonhart
Max Payne
Jill Valentine
Tommy Vercetti

1 win

Morrigan Aensland
Aya Brea
Duke Nukem
Fox McCloud
Ryo Hazuki
Tina Armstrong
Kyo Kusanagi
Strider Hiryu
Serious Sam
Crash Bandicoot
Ganondorf Dragmire
Luigi Mario
Master Chief
Shadow the Hedgehog
Kefka Palazzo

0 wins

Spyro the Dragon
Terry Bogard
Iori Yagami
Miles "Tails" Prower
PaRappa the Rapper
Chop Chop Master Onion
Guybrush Threepwood
Simon Belmont
Gordon Freeman
Akira Yuki
Kazuya Mishima
Dirk the Daring
Little Mac
Pitfall Harry
Claire Redfield
Ken Masters
Ms. Pac-Man
Mr. Driller
Gabe Logan
Sam Fisher
Captain Olimar
Tom Nook
Ramza Beoulve
Mr. Resetti
Summer 2003 Contest: Slowflake (CAN) . . . . 138/160, 32 lost . . . . T-95 (22-way)
Today's pick: Link over Sephiroth
From: creativename | Posted: 9/3/2003 10:02:59 AM | Message Detail
Recursively Calculated Standings for SC2K3

These are the recursively calculated standings for SC2K3, assuming that Cloud ends up beating Sephiroth 52%-48%.

The first column is the Rank, the second is the character name, and the third is the % they should expect to get against Cloud. Sorry if it's hard to read, but such are the formatting limits of this board :(

1 Cloud Strife 50.00%
2 Link 48.39%
3 Sephiroth 48.00%
4 Mega Man 36.93%
5 Mario 36.53%
6 Crono 36.48%
7 Samus Aran 36.43%
8 Sonic the Hedgehog 33.79%
9 Solid Snake 33.74%
10 Magus 33.48%
11 Ganondorf 33.21%
12 Tidus 32.61%
13 Shadow the Hedgehog 31.92%
14 Zero 31.73%
15 Aeris Gainsborough 31.14%
16 Bowser 29.97%
17 Squall Leonhart 29.16%
18 Auron 27.80%
19 Ryu 27.54%
20 Zelda 27.45%
21 Alucard 26.15%
22 Yoshi 24.91%
23 Kirby 24.48%
24 Dante 24.45%
25 Master Chief 23.06%
26 Knuckles the Echidna 22.92%
27 Tommy Vercetti 22.50%
28 Donkey Kong 22.17%
29 Scorpion 21.56%
30 Jill Valentine 21.54%
31 Luigi 21.39%
32 Felix 21.02%
33 Sam Fisher 20.40%
34 Wario 20.23%
35 KOS-MOS 19.91%
36 Yuna 19.37%
37 Ramza Beoulve 19.22%
38 Ken 18.71%
39 Lara Croft 18.63%
40 Sora 18.45%
41 Miles "Tails" Prower 17.51%
42 Raziel 16.85%
43 Fox McCloud 16.62%
44 Bomberman 16.33%
45 Max Payne 16.22%
46 Isaac 15.80%
47 Vyse 14.64%
48 Conker 14.34%
49 Gordon Freeman 14.16%
50 Duke Nukem 14.05%
51 Kite 13.40%
52 Kefka 13.30%
53 Crash Bandicoot 13.23%
54 CATS 13.09%
55 Pac-Man 12.87%
56 Ness 12.44%
57 Raiden 9.51%
58 Tom Nook 8.67%
59 Ryo Hazuki 8.52%
60 Ratchet 8.50%
61 Pikachu 8.34%
62 AiAi 8.15%
63 Captain Olimar 7.01%
64 Mr. Resetti 6.77%

Frog must be in the 2004 character battle, if there is one.
Remember to nominate Frog in 2004!
From: steve illumina | Posted: 9/3/2003 10:04:57 AM | Message Detail
Seph's last hope now I feel is the after school lets out today kiddie vote. Not that its much of a hope... But it is exciting and fairly close...still anyone's match.

Interesting how the vote total with 12 hours to go is so low...definitely the kiddies in school factor...

I agree with Slowflake about starting things on June 15th, doing 128 characters but doing 1 match per day once it hits the Sweet 16/Quarterfinals. We have to give Ceej the input when he asks for ideas.

Lastly...sweet pic! Best one yet I do believe.

Contest Score: 113/160 Bracket Final Match Pick: Sephiroth
NFL Week 1: Miami Dolphins! over Houston by 14
From: Slowflake | Posted: 9/3/2003 10:06:18 AM | Message Detail
You should do one with Link as referential too, so we can compare with last year.

And maybe you should have waited tomorrow for these... the numbers could be a little different, and there might even be some overtaking. Though, if you call this like I called Sephiroth/Raziel... <.< >.>
Summer 2003 Contest: Slowflake (CAN) . . . . 138/160, 32 lost . . . . T-95 (22-way)
Today's pick: Link over Sephiroth
From: Slowflake | Posted: 9/3/2003 10:08:24 AM | Message Detail
Now I think a Link/Sephiroth match would have been mighty close BTW.
Summer 2003 Contest: Slowflake (CAN) . . . . 138/160, 32 lost . . . . T-95 (22-way)
Today's pick: Link over Sephiroth
From: creativename | Posted: 9/3/2003 10:17:48 AM | Message Detail
Comments on the standings:

Possible sources of error include matches such as Link/Fox, Cloud/Auron, and Crono/Kefka. However, Fox actually did *better* (by a measly .7%) against Link than the results from last year indicated he would do--so, once again, it appears as if the "Same Fanbase Factor" is a complete and utter non-factor. We thus have little reason to believe Cloud/Auron and Crono/Kefka were affected by it. Though Kefka did do somewhat worse (21% against Crono) than you would've expected Pac-Man to do against Crono last year (27.9%).

One thing that surprised me was how utterly pitiful Pikachu was. 4th worst in the tourney? Is he really that unpopular? He ranked 38th out of 64 last year, which isn't great, but far better than his performance this year.

I also weep on the inside when I see how many undeserving characters were included where Frog was not :( There's at least 20 charactes there who have no business being included ahead of Frog. Frog would most likely be in the upper half of characters, actually.
Frog must be in the 2004 character battle, if there is one.
Remember to nominate Frog in 2004!
From: creativename | Posted: 9/3/2003 10:20:40 AM | Message Detail
You should do one with Link as referential too, so we can compare with last year

I was planning on making a consolidated ranking from both years after this poll ends, utilizing the assumption that Link was unchanged. However, I'm going to be busy after today so I don't know if I'll get around to it. I'll try to do it tomorrow evening.

Anyone know when this board is closed?
Frog must be in the 2004 character battle, if there is one.
Remember to nominate Frog in 2004!
From: creativename | Posted: 9/3/2003 10:24:39 AM | Message Detail
Oh, one more comment about the rankings: it's funny how just like Cloud, Link, and Sephiroth are clearly above the rest, there's also a bunch of characters that are clearly below the rest.

The "Main Event" Tier:
Cloud Strife

The "Jobber" Tier:
Tom Nook
Ryo Hazuki
Captain Olimar
Mr. Resetti

Frog must be in the 2004 character battle, if there is one.
Remember to nominate Frog in 2004!
From: Cthulhu | Posted: 9/3/2003 10:28:12 AM | Message Detail
So many wrestling fans here :D
From: uncle5555 | Posted: 9/3/2003 11:20:11 AM | Message Detail
Heh I said one of my last posts but not my last per say :p

One thing after reading the last two pages on character recommendations and what other people want to see next year as far as characters go is too many blasted RPG characters, as I stated in my last post.

I counted (just off the top of my head) and came up with 12 out of 64 which is 5% of all the entrants. Don't get me wrong sure there is classic game and other genre's added as well, but when it comes down to it RPG's dominate the selections, and frankly that sucks.

So I don't see the need for more of a bad thing, with second tier back-up characters from FF games, sorry but otherwise he better rename it the Gamefaq's RPG character battle, simple enough.

I know people what character X in the tourney but this thing needs shook up otherwise we're going to see Link, Cloud, and Sephiroth going hand in hand each going to the final four with an unknown in the other bracket, I think you all can imagine how droll that would be after 1 or 2 more contests.

What we need is not more characters. (and 128 is not the answer, who they going to pull from the Bubble Bobble guys, and the un-named fighters in Bad Dudes, come on be serious) I would be surprised if we could find 128 characters from today and yester-year who are both familiar to old and new gamers alike. My dream is to see a retro tourney with characters from the 8-bit and 16-bit eras, but that wouldn't go down because of all the console kiddies here at Gamefaq's.

So there has to be an answer for next year but it isn't more is better, and most definintely not more RPG characters. Otherwise we might as well include Blue Slime from Dragon Warrior. :p =D

'Nuff Said. Cya.
From: creativename | Posted: 9/3/2003 11:26:34 AM | Message Detail
Ignoring the fact that RPGs dominate FAQ sites, it still makes perfect sense for this contest to be leaning towards RPG characters.

RPGs are a huge proportion of all games. There's actually millions of gamers that mostly play RPGs and not much else. This isn't the NES or SNES days, when platformers and side-scrollers were dominant and RPGs were niche. FF7 and the PSX changed all that. RPGs are dominant in the industry now.

Also, RPG characters tend to be more memorable than characters from other genres. They get more development time because console RPGs are story-driven. Thus, inspiring more loyalty and greater fanbases.

Frankly, the number of RPG characters this year was just about right. The proportion of RPG characters will probably not change by much next year, nor should it.
Frog must be in the 2004 character battle, if there is one.
Remember to nominate Frog in 2004!
From: Cthulhu | Posted: 9/3/2003 11:39:35 AM | Message Detail
Like creative said, RPG characters are memorable, they are the ones that stay with you after you've played a game

As guys like Vercetti and Wario has shown you, just because you're in a good game doesnt mean all the players like you as a character and identify with you. They may just like the game but feel indifferent to your character. My Joanna Dark analysis covers this a bit. She's identifieable and likeable as a character, you dont go through the game not knowing or caring who Ms Dark is. On the other hand, when you play Doom or Quake, it doesnt matter who you're supposedly playing as. You could be an evil escaped clown from a circus but as long as you can wield a rocket launcher, then players will play that game

RPG characters tend to have personality and go through some kind of change in their game instead of remaining stagnant. People notice that, thats why we need more RPG characters
From: StopPokingMe | Posted: 9/3/2003 11:45:35 AM | Message Detail
I'm definitely of the opinion that anyone who could beat Mr. Resetti or Captain Olimar deserve their spots in the contest. Thus I think that every character you mentioned "deserves" at least a 16-seed, if only we had that many low seeds to give out (except maybe Mai Shiranui, I've never seen anyone mention her before). You did, however, mention four characters who I considered definite "snubs"-- ones I imagine could not just get in, but win a match:
Tifa Lockheart,
Joanna Dark,
Sarah Kerrigan.

I'm glad to see someone else is on the same page as me!
With all the FF7 mania (KH or otherwise), I'm pretty sure Tifa could win a 1st round match at least, maybe more (5-Yoshi vs. 12-Tifa, anyone?). The others, if they were lucky enough to face someone overseeded like Crash, MC, or Kirby, might also be able to get out of the first round. The rest of the characters you mentioned would probably not even be a blip on the radar come contest time, altough their inclusion would please a lot of fans.

so, once again, it appears as if the "Same Fanbase Factor" is a complete and utter non-factor.
If that's the case, then why treat Mario vs. DK as an exception to this rule? I'll admit it seems to be true for the strong characters (good lord, how dangerous would Auron be if he suffered from same-fanbase factor in his loss?), but I see it hurting a few of the weak ones. Everywhere it did seem to matter was where a character who had no chance of winning anyway ran into one of the top 15. This leads me to guess that these weak guys were only riding the popularity of their game-mates to get where they were in the first place.
Here are a few cases in point.
I suspect that Kefka suffered from it, at least somewhat. You admit that Pac-man would have done some 6%-of-the-total-vote better against Crono, which is an enormous improvement given the way he was blown out. Were people voting Kefka over Pac-Man, or old-school RPG's in the form of the game FF6?
I also think it hurt Raiden--he got listed in your "Jobber" Tier, where there's little doubt in my mind he would beat Ness, Duke, Conker, Kite, CATS... and would at least have a shot at everybody ranked below Ramza.
And while we're nitpicking, let's also say it hurt Sora. All this KH effect, but its main character would lose to Felix? get slaughtered by Knuckles? I can't believe that.

One interesting thing to note: a lot of fuss has been made about how Magus was a dud. Those rankings prove otherwise: he's 10th in the contest, pretty much on par with Snake and Sonic! That's about what people probably would legitimately have expected of him way back in June. It's only because he was stuck in the four-pack from hell, then sacrificed to Link, that he looked unimpressive.

Curious that all of this talk about an "Elite nine" is bunk. Depending on how you gauge it, there are either 3, 7, or 12 power characters. And who #11 and #12 are... well... boggles the mind. You could maybe be generous enough to say there are 15 power characters--and the identity of #13 is weird too.
"You think you're right, but you know you're wrong." -- My friend, master debater
From: StopPokingMe | Posted: 9/3/2003 11:55:41 AM | Message Detail
I've been throwing this idea at anyone who'll listen, might as well put it here too.

Next year's contest should be The Great GameFAQs Sidekicks Contest.

Think about it: sidekicks have been brutally beat down in two straight contests now. The best they can claim, as a group, is that Aeris made it to the sweet 16 both years before losing to a guy who was light-years away from having a shot at the championship.
Main heroes and Arch-villains dominate the contest, period.
Aeris, Knuckles, Yoshi, and Luigi are the only sidekicks ever to win a match-- their combined record is a craptastic 8-6.
Let's level the playing field! No main characters, no villains allowed.
"You think you're right, but you know you're wrong." -- My friend, master debater
From: Teratron | Posted: 9/3/2003 12:01:46 PM | Message Detail
Just for fun, here's my idea for what I'd love to see for a character contest next year. Instead of just random divisions based solely on nominations, I'd devote each division to a gaming generation - 8-bit and older, 16-bit, 32/64-bit, and current generation. With a few exceptions, the characters would then go into the division for the period from which they originated. Examples of possible exceptions would be characters like Snake and Alucard who appeared on the NES but really became popular characters on the PS1. A few of the characters could be tricky to place - Link and Samus appeared on the NES and were very popular then, but both have had their greatest and most popular games on other systems. Still, it would help to create some really great matchups. Just think of some of the possibilities: Mario - Mega Man in the 8-bit division finals, Mario - Sonic in the final 4, Cloud - Squall, Cloud - Seph earlier than the finals, etc.

Also, this would finally let current-generation characters match up with opponents they stand a chance against. It would be really exciting to have a wild-card division where a character whose popularity is untested will be in the final 4. Just imagine what the prediction percentages would be in that division.

One final cool point, we could have a new-school vs. old-school final. That alone would make the finals far more interesting than either of the two we've had so far. Let's face it, both finals have just been downright boring so far. I think the biggest improvement that could possibly be made to the contest is ensuring the final will be interesting.
From: Slowflake | Posted: 9/3/2003 2:18:25 PM | Message Detail
Yep Creativename... you'll definitely have to re-do this list, because from the looks of it, Samus is going to pass Mario and Crono.

Wait... I just realized what I'm saying.

SAMUS is passing MARIO. Wow.
Summer 2003 Contest: Slowflake (CAN) . . . . 138/160, 32 lost . . . . T-95 (22-way)
Today's pick: Link over Sephiroth
From: uncle5555 | Posted: 9/3/2003 2:29:51 PM | Message Detail
StopPokingMe, I agree the contest either needs to evolve or die, can anyone here 100% honestly say they want to see the same thing year in year out? I for one will give less crap next year if it's the same old thing. The only reason why I participated was because of the prize. Last year I followed because it was fun to vote for my favorite(s). So unless we see something better next year it will be the same dead beaten horse again and again. Ad nauseum... =(

creativename, I see your point 110% however, RPG's aren't the only game in town, I've been playing them for years (starting with DW1 on NES), but honestly I have to be in the "mood" to start one because of the time investment. I'm not a little kiddie anymore and don't spend 10-12 hours glued to my TV like I used to playing. RPG's have there place but I honestly don't believe they should overtake a competition just because they should or can for that matter.

So unless you want a bland one sided competition there has to be something new (Ie. Like the Sidekick contest, an all RPG contest like I mentioned) or something new entirely if CjayC thinks this can stay the same and be a fresh contest each year and stay the same he is sorely mistaken. Like it or not.

There are alot of good ideas out there, as you see before me, there just has to be initiative to do so. And since alot of people want to see change it would be nice to do what the people want (majority or minority) not just what the console kiddies around here pander for. Let's just hope CjayC has foresight to do so and makes it happen.

'Nuff said. Cya. =)
From: Yesmar | Posted: 9/3/2003 4:28:21 PM | Message Detail
Time for me to go out on a limb here for one of my nominations for next year:

Marina Lightyears: Create a topic virtually anywhere on GameFAQS asking what the most underrated game ever is and you will be barraged with people saying Mischeif Makers (N64). As the star of the game, Ms. Lightyears would the most likely nominee from it. Now, of course she has a small cult following and a likely 16 Seed.

Now here was the part where I was going to say she looked cool and post a pic. Well, I couldn't find a pic, and apparently from descriptions I read she looked unusual, but not necessarily cool. But of course, unusual sometimes means cool.

Here's a description of her from another web site, not my words:

Graphics: Not bad, if a bit two-demensional. Lots of color, with these scary hollow-eyed balls. However, Marina Lightyears looks like a dog. Not the sexist, gender-stereotyping word used to describe females who don't rigidly conform to our culture's demands (I'm a feminist; can ya tell?); the character actually resembles a white basset hound, with big floppy ears an' all. Try to picture a female vampiric Goofy. OK, now imagine a two-demensional version of that, with big scary eye sockets. That's Marina Lightyears, folks. And, classically Japanese, none of the characters' words fit in with their mouth movements.

And here's a pic of the Box Art with her on the cover:

And two other reasons why she kicks ass (giggles):

1) She has an ugly evil clone.
2) She can just pick up and throw around everybody in the game she damn well wants to.
Evile Ninja Team Member
The wind...It is blowing.--Ganondorf in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
From: Haste2 | Posted: 9/3/2003 9:51:09 PM | Message Detail
Well, the only reason Pikachu did so much worse was because nearly all the very weak characters from 2002 were not included this year....and probably a little splitting of fanbases, as well. (How else could Pikachu do only 11% [arithmetic-wise] worse against Fox than Cloud?).

Slowflake, from your list I notice that Alucard has gotten 4 wins...while Tails hasn't had any. Alucard got, what, 53-54% against Tails? Looks a little unfair in some characters' competition, if you ask me. :[

On top of Bomberman's change in performance, I'd say Tidus had a major growth as well in popularity...seeing how he's barely behind Sonic in uncreative...I mean, creativename's (just kidding! ^_^) list while he was beaten sufficiently by Sonic last year. (Of course, Sonic could have had a decrease in support as well...but probably not, judging from his win against Ken.) I'd say Samus increased in popularity as well, doing so much better in the divisional finals than Sonic did. Hm, and thank you for putting Ratchet in as one of the "worthless" characters.

As for tourney ideas, I say it would be interesting if there was some of of "seed-handicap" tourney...basically the same as normal EXCEPT that the lower seeded characters get extra votes to help them depending on how high or low their seed a 16 seed would get far more votes than a 1 seed. Perhaps 3,000 auto-votes (or maybe a certain % advantage to discourage mass cheating) for every seed you go this way, some major underdogs could end up doing extremely well. I really like the old-school/new-school idea, as well. A Sidekicks contest would also rule, but man, there would be some really tough predictions. =p (challenge = good)

But whatever happens, I hope next year's is not a "Great Game Contest". Zelda: Ocarina of Time vs. Final Fantasy VII for finals... ick.

You know what sucks for me? I had Cloud vs. Sephiroth as the final in LAST year's bracket. Maybe I would've won it all if the "2002 Contest" took place this year...

"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
From: Seijun | Posted: 9/3/2003 10:14:33 PM | Message Detail
As for tourney ideas, I say it would be interesting if there was some of of "seed-handicap" tourney...basically the same as normal EXCEPT that the lower seeded characters get extra votes to help them depending on how high or low their seed a 16 seed would get far more votes than a 1 seed.

*looks at some of the lower seeds this year*

...Magus, Ganondorf, Aeris and Zelda with the handicap rule. *shudders*

Apparently Shion is more concerned with her weapon of mass destruction appreciating the beauty of spring and the sweetness of a baby's smile.
From: Cthulhu | Posted: 9/3/2003 10:57:28 PM | Message Detail
Maybe CJ can go around randomly deleting votes
From: torey luvullo | Posted: 9/4/2003 4:35:24 AM | Message Detail
so far today, "yes i can hardly wait" is leading the POTD asking whether there should be another character battle next summer, with a plurality of 37%.

From: creativename | Posted: 9/4/2003 4:41:43 AM | Message Detail
I'd say Tidus had a major growth as well in popularity

Actually, Tidus was at the same level as last year. He was the 11th most popular character last year.

I even made a series of posts before Tidus vs. Ganondorf even faced off, that the undderrating of Tidus would lead to and underrating of Ganon and Magus. Which, of course, I was quite correct on. </bragging>

I'd say Samus increased in popularity as well

Samus appeared to go down, if anything, though most likely she was also the same. I'll try and post more data this evening.

SAMUS is passing MARIO. Wow

She finished well ahead of Mario last year in these standings.

Though, looking back on last year's Recursively Calculated results, it doesn't appear as though Mario's half of the bracket was underrated; rather, it seems Sephiroth's was slightly overrated, for whatever reason. I'll try analysing this more later.
Frog must be in the 2004 character battle, if there is one.
Remember to nominate Frog in 2004!
From: Slowflake | Posted: 9/4/2003 5:38:29 AM | Message Detail
*sigh* It's all over, and I feel the same way as last year... like, there isn't anything to look forward to anymore. And unlike last year, my favorites were all booted early. Plus, I was this close from the money... to think, I would've WON had I picked Cloud instead of Link (but so would have many people), and in the top 10 if Link won. Instead I'm tied for 1237th. Blargh.

Cloud will seem to be even more unbeatable next year than Link this year... but the REALLY funny thing is, I never expected we'd end up having a champion who was losing to a 16-seed, even if it lasted only a mere minute or two.

An NPC finding himself a few thousands of votes away from the championship... I'm still smiling at the scenario.

On another subject, when you think hard about it, Sonic was insanely lucky to make it to the Elite 8. I knew Sonic wouldn't get 60% when I made my bracket, but then it looks as though he would have done it against the 2002 Aeris. And let's not even talk about Zero... only Magus was slightly better than him among the newcomers.

Seeing the results of Cloud vs. Sonic... it can be concluded that Cloud would have beaten Aeris 70-30, the common fanbase thing being a huge dud apparently. Cloud cut down Auron 72-28... could Aeris have beaten Auron? Probably, but I don't see a match between the two being as tight as the numbers suggest. You never know though...

Speaking of Auron, he lost to Cloud by 2 more points than Alucard and did 10 points better against Tails than Alucard. This alone screams that Cloud improved massively over last year, though at the time we put the blame on the common fanbase. These two are similar anyway... just look at their profiles!

I mentioned that Bowser vs. Alucard looked like a close race back then... seeing how the Clouds they faced are totally different, Bowser could probably beat Alucard rather easily (and Yoshi could too). Same for Auron.

Who was the #2 villain behind Sephiroth? Magus? Ganondorf? Bowser? (These four should be the top seeds in a villain contest!) I'd be inclined to say Magus, since he beat Ganondorf. And looking at how Magus and Bowser did in round 3, Magus, although defeated by a weaker opponent (I never thought I'd ever describe Link like that), did much better than Bowser. It's not by big... also, Ganondorf seems to have outperformed Bowser too, crystallizing LoZ as the top Nintendo franchise on GameFAQs. Zelda also did better than the rest of the Mario supporting cast... Megaman is definitely more powerful than Squall, Bowser and Shadow.

Another point of interest... Mario vs. Samus could be THE bracket-buster if it happens next year. First, both are very close in Creativename's list. Then you have the 2002 Samus vs. Sephiroth match, where Samus barely lost. Now she's a few points ahead of Sonic... the few points she could have used to beat the 2002 form of Sephiroth. Assuming Cloud = Sephiroth and knowing that 2002 Cloud = Mario, 2003 Samus could have competed equally with all of them. Also, both pulled similar numbers against Link... with a slight advantage for Samus.

I'm still in awe at how Shadow performed... him being as popular as Sonic after just one game doesn't quite hold up. Of course, the same holds true for Mario and Crono, but for some reason Shadow = Sonic doesn't make sense.

After Magus got beaten up badly by Link, many though he was trailing badly behind Crono. However, with the common fanbase being a non-factor, Mario only got a few points on him... and of course, so does Crono. If Frog is in next year, expect some surprises from CT's own Mr. Thou.
If Kefka were governor of California, he'd kill half the population to solve the power problem, then 98% of what's left for the hell of it. -GoldManiac
From: Slowflake | Posted: 9/4/2003 5:38:46 AM | Message Detail
Speaking of next year, Cloud (and Sephiroth) basically saved the possibility of it happening from a contest point of view. However, board issues are what might prevent a Character Battle III, or any other contest for that matter, from happening ever again. Why? While the board was generally more civilized than last year in terms of fanboyism, there's the issue of account suicides... it became like a second LUE. So if there isn't a Summer 2004 contest, you know who to blame. Wylvane. (CJayC took action by imposing a level 15 restriction... but as Bigbear's suicide showed, you can still suicide a 2-karma account. The restriction should be level 20...)

Man, is it going to feel weird, falling from the second biggest board on the site to a plain old regular one. And since your presence has no chance to survive make its time (hey, not me, I'm staying), I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone here, readers, lurkers, heck, everyone on the board. Except a nameless one who doesn't desve it.

So until the first spark of activity in the newly renamed board lights up at the end of next May, so long.

If Kefka were governor of California, he'd kill half the population to solve the power problem, then 98% of what's left for the hell of it. -GoldManiac
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