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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 167
From: voltch | Posted: 7/25/2005 2:41:40 AM | Message Detail
something's bugging me.
how did so many ffX characters get in this year
why not in 2003 were there was no company caps
and why were they so few of them in 2004 i know there was a company cap but yuna or riku could have had more support than kain.
and then suddenly out of nowhere we only get 2 sonic characters and four ffX chars instead of the reverse

Kilroy:There fate will be in each other's hands as they decide whether to share or to shaft
From: greatone10 | Posted: 7/25/2005 2:42:23 AM | Message Detail
FFX-2 was released since then.
BertTheOne | Can't hurt this Bert
Never eat a stoner. We have powers you havent even seen!
From: dragoontheguy | Posted: 7/25/2005 2:44:47 AM | Message Detail
i know there was a company cap but yuna or riku could have had more support than kain.

That wasn't Kain Highwind. IIRC he's from legacy of kain or something like that.
Please sign this petition for a history board:
From: Heroic Mario | Posted: 7/25/2005 2:46:35 AM | Message Detail
It didn't bomb in sales or anything did it?

It sold very well, actually. In America alone, it sold 1.3 million copies, which is about 900,000 less than FFX.

Mario's Path to Victory: Round 2 - (4) Ness
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/25/2005 2:51:25 AM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/25/2005 2:51:36 AM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: voltch | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:27:11 AM | Message Detail
i'm now really starting to get nervous about my big boss over auron pick. i'm still hopeful but nervous
Kilroy:There fate will be in each other's hands as they decide whether to share or to shaft
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:28:35 AM | Message Detail
If you still had any hope whatsoever, it should have flown out the window when his picture was set.
Xbox fanboys are only slighty behidn the FF ones on this site.... - zidane15
From: voltch | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:35:33 AM | Message Detail
well yuna just broke 40% on ganondorf
Kilroy:There fate will be in each other's hands as they decide whether to share or to shaft
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:37:27 AM | Message Detail
Seems like Yuna could beat Knuckles in a rematch.
Xbox fanboys are only slighty behidn the FF ones on this site.... - zidane15
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:41:08 AM | Message Detail
Ganondorf 59.96% 8013
Yuna 40.04% 5351

Ganon, Magus, Tidus, you're all in trouble. Surely Yuna shouldn't have gained THIS much, right?

Spring Contest, you can burn now. Go Yuna.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:43:05 AM | Message Detail
Making it the 5th highest sellign FFs after 7, 8, 9, and 10
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: voltch | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:43:44 AM | Message Detail
anyone looking forward to tomorrow's match
Kilroy:There fate will be in each other's hands as they decide whether to share or to shaft
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:45:22 AM | Message Detail
Fun with numbers: Assuming Yuna is static (unlikely, but I'm not expecting some huge gain from her), and this is Ganon 2003's true strength, Knuckles is projected to get 45.01% on Magus (heh, same as Squall/Kirby, and Kirby > Knux). Squall is projected to win with 53.16%.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:50:15 AM | Message Detail
Anyway, anyone still thinking Nintendo revival in 2005 and higher vote totals won't help new Square?
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:53:46 AM | Message Detail
Oh, and assuming that this is the work of FFX-2, Yuna's new value is currently 27.92% on 2003 Link, meaning she now beats Knuckles with 52.11%.

Strangely enough, she now beats Tidus 2004 with 51.30%.

Sound the alarm.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Heroic Mario | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:54:51 AM | Message Detail
Ganon won't be getting near his 65.92% projection, but I'd wait a while before worrying about him staying under 60%. He should get back over there within the next few hours.

But Yuna did look to gain quite a bit or Magus, Ganon, and Tidus are all far weaker than what the stats said.

Mario's Path to Victory: Round 2 - (4) Ness
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:56:46 AM | Message Detail
And to think the basis for my Alucard > Sora pick was his performance against Ganondorf.

Damn you Ganondorf.
Xbox fanboys are only slighty behidn the FF ones on this site.... - zidane15
From: ChichiriMuyo | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:58:08 AM | Message Detail
Too bad you didn't consult me on that one, I'd have told you how bad that idea was.
"Have you missed me? Was I there? I was dreaming... someone cared" - Iio "Give it Up"
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/25/2005 3:59:04 AM | Message Detail
Hey. Does Sora have a plan? I didn't think so.
Xbox fanboys are only slighty behidn the FF ones on this site.... - zidane15
From: Mac Arrowny | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:01:29 AM | Message Detail
Heh, I called post FFX-2 Yuna as stronger than Tidus before the contest began, but nobody believed me then. FFX-2 sold three times as much as DMC2, one would expect a result like this, considering what DMC2 did for Dante.
Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent.
From: cyko | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:18:43 AM | Message Detail
HA!!!! this match is cracking me up, especially everyone's posts in the first 15 minutes of the match. some of you guys really need to wait for the board vote to end before you call the match a blowout in someone's favor.

and btw - i believe the universe is beginning to implode. a Nintendo character is losing the day vote to a Square character?!?!? Yuna has gone from 40.02 to 40.32 in the past 20 minutes. that's hilarious.

Official Co-Host for PUB TRIVIA XV
is officially THE MAN for beating us all in SpC2K5!!
From: voltch | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:18:52 AM | Message Detail
so yuna has gone from pretty weak to a fully fledged midcarder now? on that basis is it possible for rikku to get above 38% at one point during her match against ryu?
Kilroy:There fate will be in each other's hands as they decide whether to share or to shaft
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:19:58 AM | Message Detail
Well, the kiddies are still asleep. It's only really morning in the EST right now.

Ganondorf gained a bit during the day against Alucard, though I'd imagine Yuna's a bit better with the day vote than he is. Sephiroth killed him with it, of course.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:20:04 AM | Message Detail
Ganondorf hasn't lost the day vote yet. It won't start fully until after 8 Eastern.
Xbox fanboys are only slighty behidn the FF ones on this site.... - zidane15
From: Heroic Mario | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:20:30 AM | Message Detail
a Nintendo character is losing the day vote to a Square character?!?!?

It's not exactly booming right now. Samus, for example, didn't start gaining in abundance until later on.

Mario's Path to Victory: Round 2 - (4) Ness
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:21:24 AM | Message Detail
Ganondorf hasn't lost the day vote yet.

Sephiroth would like to have a word with you.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:21:44 AM | Message Detail
I wasn't aware that he was facing Sephiroth today.
Xbox fanboys are only slighty behidn the FF ones on this site.... - zidane15
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:23:00 AM | Message Detail
You said he hasn't lost the day vote yet. It's not true.

Of course you could mean "yet" as it "not happened today" instead of meaning "yet" as in "ever" like I thought you did.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:23:46 AM | Message Detail
If you didn't take me out of context you'd know it's the former!

Ganondorf hasn't lost the day vote yet. It won't start fully until after 8 Eastern.
Xbox fanboys are only slighty behidn the FF ones on this site.... - zidane15
From: voltch | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:24:55 AM | Message Detail
if ganondorf keeps losing ground like this wouldn't he be in danger of losing against auron?
Kilroy:There fate will be in each other's hands as they decide whether to share or to shaft
From: cyko | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:25:06 AM | Message Detail
what's the link to the 5 minute updater anyways? i've never actually seen it.

Official Co-Host for PUB TRIVIA XV
is officially THE MAN for beating us all in SpC2K5!!
From: cyko | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:25:44 AM | Message Detail
if ganondorf keeps losing ground like this wouldn't he be in danger of losing against auron?

he was in danger of losing to Auron before this match even started. ;)

Official Co-Host for PUB TRIVIA XV
is officially THE MAN for beating us all in SpC2K5!!
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:25:57 AM | Message Detail
go to and poll updates.
Xbox fanboys are only slighty behidn the FF ones on this site.... - zidane15
From: cyko | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:29:43 AM | Message Detail
whoops. glossed right past that link. thanks.

Official Co-Host for PUB TRIVIA XV
is officially THE MAN for beating us all in SpC2K5!!
From: voltch | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:31:46 AM | Message Detail
so anyone think manny can get above 15% on snake?
Kilroy:There fate will be in each other's hands as they decide whether to share or to shaft
From: Yesmar | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:32:56 AM | Message Detail

I must say, I always did think FFX-2 would give Yuna a boost. Never understood why people said it wouldn't.

She was the MAIN CHARACTER!!!
"Heh Heh... The wind... It is blowing..."--Ganondorf Dragmire
From: Heroic Mario | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:33:40 AM | Message Detail
I must say, I always did think FFX-2 would give Yuna a boost. Never understood why people said it wouldn't.

Thank you. That's what I was saying earlier.

Mario's Path to Victory: Round 2 - (4) Ness
From: cyko | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:35:10 AM | Message Detail
okay, now Ganon is starting to slowly raise his percentage again. the world is normal again. and i'm not chalking Yuna's likely rise in strength entirely up to FFX-2 - she actually looks kinda hot in that picture. much better than her picture against Knuckles, anyways.

Official Co-Host for PUB TRIVIA XV
is officially THE MAN for beating us all in SpC2K5!!
From: Heroic Mario | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:36:44 AM | Message Detail
For comparison sake...

Mario's Path to Victory: Round 2 - (4) Ness
From: Heroic Mario | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:42:53 AM | Message Detail
At the 4:40 mark, here are the vote totals in comparison to Ness/CJ.

Ganon/Yuna - 16,564
Ness/CJ - 14,888

We're 1,676 ahead of it at this time.

Mario's Path to Victory: Round 2 - (4) Ness
From: Heroic Mario | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:46:37 AM | Message Detail
Ganon's starting to get rolling. It's starting out slow, but it should pick up as we get more into the morning. <3

Mario's Path to Victory: Round 2 - (4) Ness
From: Conceited Bastard | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:50:04 AM | Message Detail
--- | My game collection:
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:53:21 AM | Message Detail
Meh, I must be one of the few who prefers FFX Yuna to FFX-2 Yuna as far as looks go...
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: The n00b Avenger | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:54:08 AM | Message Detail
Me too. X-2 is a little too... too...

I don't know the word for it.
Xbox fanboys are only slighty behidn the FF ones on this site.... - zidane15
From: Dilated Chemist | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:56:24 AM | Message Detail
This is good for my Oracle, right? (62%)

From: Sir Crono | Posted: 7/25/2005 4:58:47 AM | Message Detail
Oh, and thanks a lot to creative for adding the total votes column to the match updater. It's really helpful.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: Sir Crono | Posted: 7/25/2005 5:10:36 AM | Message Detail
This match is less than 300 behind Link/Cloud 2004 at the moment, so we could still see some rather high vote totals.

Just imagine how high a close Vivi/Zelda match could go.
Squall Leonhart's Road to the Summer Contest 2005 Championship
Round 1: (7) Geno
From: jonthomson | Posted: 7/25/2005 5:33:23 AM | Message Detail
Fun with numbers: Squall is projected to win with 53.16%.

We need one of those things that they use in elections which show the projected outcome from day to day, it could be funny.
Jon Thomson - MARIO, Samus, SOLID SNAKE, Bowser, CRONO, Squall, Sonic, MEGA MAN
From: Slowflake | Posted: 7/25/2005 5:34:42 AM | Message Detail
Whoa. ANOTHER favorite underperforming. Could FFX-2 have this much of an effect? I mean, Ganondorf's still dropping... and I'd have a hard time swallowing Yuna = Alucard.

Oh, and just as I suspected, the spring contest can go to hell.
SC2K5 status - Points: 005/006 - Matches: 05/06 - Rank: 04218/33793 - Today: Ganondorf - Tomorrow: Auron
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