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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 386

creativename | Posted 10/12/2006 4:27:50 PM | message detail
People are still desperate to question the influence of Kingdom Hearts? That's hilarious :o)
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/12/2006 4:28:14 PM | message detail
In 2K2 = 2K6

Portugal. The Man
Cheer Up Emo Kids
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/12/2006 4:28:45 PM | message detail
People are still desperate to question the influence of Kingdom Hearts? That's hilarious :o)

Almost as hilarious as your Bowser fanboyism!

Portugal. The Man
Cheer Up Emo Kids
Draco1214 | Posted 10/12/2006 4:29:15 PM | message detail
So who else thinks MC won't be in any danger of losing tomorrow's match?
Character Battle V Score - 28/30 points
Current Prediction - Auron vs. Alucard
xp1337 | Posted 10/12/2006 4:29:53 PM | message detail
From Draco1214 | Posted 10/12/2006 7:29:15 PM
So who else thinks MC won't be in any danger of losing tomorrow's match?

xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
SC2k6 (026/029) All part of The Plan.
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/12/2006 4:29:57 PM | message detail
I don't think he's in any real danger, but at the same time I will never call an MC match a lock, unless his opponent is well above any strength we've seen him at.

Portugal. The Man
Cheer Up Emo Kids
AmazingKirby | Posted 10/12/2006 4:30:02 PM | message detail
I do. Sub-Zero, more like Sub-Fodder, lololol.
wavedash101 | Posted 10/12/2006 4:30:11 PM | message detail
Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude!
Board 8's Unofficial Master of the Phoenix Down
therealmnm | Posted 10/12/2006 4:31:19 PM | message detail
People are still desperate to question the influence of Kingdom Hearts? That's hilarious :o)

I think KH factor is overexaggerated at times. With Cloud, Squall, and Sephiroth, they actually had GOOD appearances so I could actually see people liking them more than usual. I DO have issues to people attributing Aeris's increase to her cameo in KH and not to the resulting voter influx (i.e. saying that Tifa wouldn't have boosted from 2k2 to 2k3 because she didn't get a cameo). But that's another argument entirely. <_<;
Currently playing: Grand Theft Auto 3, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Mega Man ZX
creativename | Posted 10/12/2006 4:31:36 PM | message detail
Almost as hilarious as your Bowser fanboyism!

Bowser is just a feel-good character. He spreads good vibes and positive energy!
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/12/2006 4:32:08 PM | message detail

Bowser is just a feel-good character. He spreads good vibes and positive energy!

Well Leon does that, plus STDs!

Portugal. The Man
Cheer Up Emo Kids
wavedash101 | Posted 10/12/2006 4:33:19 PM | message detail
Bowser is just a feel-good character. He spreads good vibes and positive energy!

Earthquake in a can, lightning in a bottle!!!

Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude!
Board 8's Unofficial Master of the Phoenix Down
Draco1214 | Posted 10/12/2006 4:33:50 PM | message detail
I really wouldn't take Sub-Zero over DK and can't see much of a reason for thinking Sub-Zero is stronger.
Character Battle V Score - 28/30 points
Current Prediction - Auron vs. Alucard
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/12/2006 4:34:35 PM | message detail
As I've said before...

"Master Chief, not struggle to defeat a character with any strength at all? Not a chance."
Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship:
Week 3: W, 50-12 vs. Superman
creativename | Posted 10/12/2006 4:34:45 PM | message detail
I DO have issues to people attributing Aeris's increase to her cameo in KH and not to the resulting voter influx (i.e. saying that Tifa wouldn't have boosted from 2k2 to 2k3 because she didn't get a cameo). But that's another argument entirely. <_<;

Well I agree about Aeris, I don't think she really boosted much. Which makes perfect sense as she had a pretty small, completely non-hyped role in Kingdom Hearts. Any boost she had could be explained by variation anyway; the magnitude is just too small to believe anything strongly.

I don't see any reason why Tifa would've boosted from 2K2 to 2K3 though...? Aeris didn't budge much, I doubt Tifa would've budged.
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/12/2006 4:36:42 PM | message detail
Auron's above 64% and still going...

I really wouldn't take Sub-Zero over DK and can't see much of a reason for thinking Sub-Zero is stronger.

Remember what I said about Master Chief? Reinsert it here and replace "Master Chief" with "Donkey Kong."

Honestly, Sub-Zero isn't going to be weak, people, and if what CATS showed us against Sonic is any indication, Master Chief is still just a midcarder with odd tendencies.
Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship:
Week 3: W, 50-12 vs. Superman
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/12/2006 4:37:01 PM | message detail
Neither would I, I don't think he'll be any stronger than Scorpion, and if Scorpion were to appear in 2K6 again, I'd expect him to be weaker than he ever was before, at the same time, it's MC. He always has his hardcore, decent sized fanbase, his opponent their fanbase, and then the "LOL HALO SUX DIE MC DIE HAHAHAA" crowd, who manage to keep MC from ever blowing anything out. I'm completely confident in MC, and hopefully everyone will recognize that PoP was indeed the strongest rally character. I've had to endure far too much "lol PoP es gon' bomb" to not welcome that with arms wide open.

Portugal. The Man
Cheer Up Emo Kids
UltimaterializerX | Posted 10/12/2006 4:37:27 PM | message detail
Is Auron doing better than he... "should"? I haven't paid much attention today.

Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best. Game. Ever." Contest
Now Playing: Disgaea 2, PW:AA, KH:COM (Sora), Castlevania: LoI
wavedash101 | Posted 10/12/2006 4:38:04 PM | message detail
The odd tendencies make him a great contest character though. At least he is interesting.
Our shields cannot withstand wavedashing of this magnitude!
Board 8's Unofficial Master of the Phoenix Down
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/12/2006 4:38:15 PM | message detail
Depends what you think about Samus/Mario, Samus/Ganon, and Snake/Sora/Alucard.

Portugal. The Man
Cheer Up Emo Kids
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/12/2006 4:38:46 PM | message detail
The odd tendencies make him a great contest character though. At least he is interesting.

Don't think anyone disagrees, I just wish he had been put in a better spot.

Portugal. The Man
Cheer Up Emo Kids
Draco1214 | Posted 10/12/2006 4:39:56 PM | message detail
MC might struggle, but he won't lose. All of DK's values are above all of Scorpion's values, plus MC faced a significantly stronger DK thanks to the Nintendo boost while it's very likely that Scorpion/Sub-Zero have faded in strength. Even if Sub-Zero's at Scorpion's 2004 value, MC still wins that match.
Character Battle V Score - 28/30 points
Current Prediction - Auron vs. Alucard
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/12/2006 4:41:42 PM | message detail
Is Auron doing better than he... "should"? I haven't paid much attention today.

Based on Alucard 2004, Auron is projected around 35.88% on BL, well above his 2005 value. Of course, this value is likely to be overrated, and Alucard is probably on his way down. Either way, Auron is doing very well indeed. 60% wasn't going to surprise me, but...he's getting awfully close to what he got on Scorpion, Tails, and Ness here.
Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship:
Week 3: W, 50-12 vs. Superman
Draco1214 | Posted 10/12/2006 4:41:46 PM | message detail
Bah, that should be 2003 value.
Character Battle V Score - 28/30 points
Current Prediction - Auron vs. Alucard
Janus5000 | Posted 10/12/2006 4:41:47 PM | message detail
Chief might not even be leading when his match starts, but unless he's trailing 55-45 come the morning he's in no real danger.

Though I wouldn't be too surprised to see him start killing right from the start.
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/12/2006 4:43:01 PM | message detail
All of DK's values are above all of Scorpion's values, plus MC faced a significantly stronger DK

CATS tells me he was about 1.5% stronger. That's not significant.

And you have to take into account Sephy/Auron SFF before you just stick Scorpion's 2004 value in there. But, for the millionth time, because I can't quite seem to process it...Why exactly are Sub-Zero and Scorpion destined to be the same strength?
Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship:
Week 3: W, 50-12 vs. Superman
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/12/2006 4:44:31 PM | message detail
Chief might not even be leading when his match starts, but unless he's trailing 55-45 come the morning he's in no real danger. think people would stop taking huge vote shifts for granted. If Subby has 53.5% heading into morning, it's hardly an easy victory for MC.

Portugal. The Man
Cheer Up Emo Kids
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/12/2006 4:45:15 PM | message detail

CATS tells me he was about 1.5% stronger. That's not significant.

Are we really using CATS as a measuring stick now?

Portugal. The Man
Cheer Up Emo Kids
trannyscience | Posted 10/12/2006 4:46:42 PM | message detail
29 Donkey Kong 25.34%
Scorpion 24.74%

yeah, this isn't much.
"12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms." - Reuters
Incompetence | Posted 10/12/2006 4:46:44 PM | message detail
Did Auron just get his biggest update yet?
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/12/2006 4:46:51 PM | message detail
Are we really using CATS as a measuring stick now?

When haven't we? People really take this fodder fluctuation stuff out of hand.

Either way, Sam Fisher and CATS were in the same four-pack last year. Sonic got 80.75% on CATS, and would get awfully close to the same mark on Sam Fisher in that regard. Samus broke 80% on Sam with ease in 2004. Where don't things line up?
Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship:
Week 3: W, 50-12 vs. Superman
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/12/2006 4:47:31 PM | message detail
Whoa...Auron nearly tripled Alucard on that update. He spiked nearly 100 votes!
Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship:
Week 3: W, 50-12 vs. Superman
Janus5000 | Posted 10/12/2006 4:50:31 PM | message detail
He had no problem coming back 55/45 against DK and Frog... of course, that was 1/2 years ago, with a different start time, during a different time of year, against DK/Frog, and Subby might have a decent day vote...
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/12/2006 4:51:05 PM | message detail
But this match clearly tells me that Alucard isn't far from Scorpion's strength, and you guys can't honestly tell me that Master Chief beats Alucard with ease, right? Come on!!

Psh, Sub-Zero's gonna take it, and I can't wait!
Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship:
Week 3: W, 50-12 vs. Superman
xp1337 | Posted 10/12/2006 4:51:35 PM | message detail
Alucard is just making it interesting.

~28k votes is nothing to him.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
SC2k6 (027/030) All part of The Plan.
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/12/2006 4:51:41 PM | message detail
and Subby might have a decent day vote...

All Sub-Zero needs is not to have an abysmal one.
Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship:
Week 3: W, 50-12 vs. Superman
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/12/2006 4:51:50 PM | message detail
CATS tells me he was about 1.5% stronger. That's not significant.

Meh, looking at Fisher gives a better result, IMO. In Creative's stats, Magus 2k5 vs. Fisher 2k5 gives the same results as the actual match did back in 2k3. With that, we have no reason to think Fisher is overrated in 2k5, especially since he's had two games since 2k3.
Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent.
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/12/2006 4:51:52 PM | message detail
Either way, Sam Fisher and CATS were in the same four-pack last year. Sonic got 80.75% on CATS, and would get awfully close to the same mark on Sam Fisher in that regard. Samus broke 80% on Sam with ease in 2004. Where don't things line up?

So did you just say CATS would be even with Sam, and then use Samus performing similarly on Sam to Sonic on CATS? That would put Samus and Sonic on the same level, and I'm supposed to believe that?

Portugal. The Man
Cheer Up Emo Kids
Master Moltar | Posted 10/12/2006 4:52:28 PM | message detail
There's no way I buy MC's and DK's values last year. I'd take DK's value on a static Sam Fisher with more value than using him through Crono/MC.

That said, I'm pretty confident in MC, but I won't be surprised Sub-Zero pulls the upset. I can't see MC blowing him out, but Chief's range is quite wide.
Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded.
Auron vs. Alucard - Bracket: Auron - Vote: Auron (27/30)
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/12/2006 4:52:35 PM | message detail
So did you just say CATS would be even with Sam, and then use Samus performing similarly on Sam to Sonic on CATS? That would put Samus and Sonic on the same level, and I'm supposed to believe that?

No, he said that the ratio between Fisher and CATS is the same as the ratio between Samus and Sonic.
Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent.
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/12/2006 4:53:39 PM | message detail
I'd take DK's value on a static Sam Fisher with more value than using him through Crono/MC.

If you're talking about Fisher 2k4, don't be ridiculous. Fisher/Gordon/Lara were all heavily underrated in 2k4.
Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent.
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/12/2006 4:56:12 PM | message detail
So did you just say CATS would be even with Sam, and then use Samus performing similarly on Sam to Sonic on CATS? That would put Samus and Sonic on the same level, and I'm supposed to believe that?

Actually, Sonic would get 77-78% in this regard, not really on the level with Samus.

In Creative's stats, Magus 2k5 vs. Fisher 2k5 gives the same results as the actual match did back in 2k3. With that, we have no reason to think Fisher is overrated in 2k5, especially since he's had two games since 2k3.

LOL Tidus/Shadow 2004

But we have plenty of reason to believe Fisher is overrated, unless we're expecting Sonic to destroy the entire bracket, and that MC and DK destroy opponents they couldn't beat the year before. Besides, I see no reason to trust anything connected to Magus 2003.
Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship:
Week 3: W, 50-12 vs. Superman
PortugalTheMann | Posted 10/12/2006 4:57:45 PM | message detail

Actually, Sonic would get 77-78% in this regard, not really on the level with Samus.

I knew I had to be misreading that, but couldn't figure out what you meant, Leon isn't that dumb! Still, I don't enjoy basing people off of CATS, though he certainly isn't the worst of characters to do so.

Portugal. The Man
Cheer Up Emo Kids
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/12/2006 4:57:52 PM | message detail
Fisher/Gordon/Lara were all heavily underrated in 2k4.

Heavily? CATS says otherwise. You can raise Sam from 16.12% to around 17.50%, but then again, you can contribute that to new games, too. Honestly, why are we assuming that 2004 was the anomaly when it fits what Fisher did in 2005 (sorry, but CATS is bonafide fodder, folks. No way around it, and Fisher didn't do that much better than him).
Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship:
Week 3: W, 50-12 vs. Superman
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/12/2006 5:01:38 PM | message detail
LOL Tidus/Shadow 2004

But we have plenty of reason to believe Fisher is overrated, unless we're expecting Sonic to destroy the entire bracket, and that MC and DK destroy opponents they couldn't beat the year before. Besides, I see no reason to trust anything connected to Magus 2003.

1. I'm not sure what your point is with mentioning Tidus/Shadow 2k4. Are you suggesting that Magus 2k5 is massively overrated?

2. MC's weaker opponents often overperform on him, or so the assumption goes. I doubt Fisher/CATS would've gone the same way it was predicted by the 2k5 stats.

3. Why shouldn't MC be much stronger than he was the year before? Halo 2 was much more popular than Halo 1, especially in America. Given relative strengths and popularities, I'd expect MC to increase by at least as much as Sora will from KH2.

4. DK has the Nintendo boost, and was behind Sephiroth/Vivi in 2k4. Why shouldn't he increase?
Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent.
Mac Arrowny | Posted 10/12/2006 5:03:55 PM | message detail
Heavily? CATS says otherwise. You can raise Sam from 16.12% to around 17.50%, but then again, you can contribute that to new games, too. Honestly, why are we assuming that 2004 was the anomaly when it fits what Fisher did in 2005 (sorry, but CATS is bonafide fodder, folks. No way around it, and Fisher didn't do that much better than him).

Again, CATS is irrelevant, since his match was with MC. Why would Sam Fisher decrease so much from 2k3? Unless you're suggesting that Magus is weaker than Frog, Sam Fisher is underrated.

Not to mention that mysterious drop from Gordon. His 2k5 boost is far more reasonable when you realize that he was underrated in 2k4.
Pity for the guilty is treason to the innocent.
THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/12/2006 5:04:29 PM | message detail
I mention Tidus/Shadow 2004 because the match went fairly closely according to the stats despite both being ridiculously overrated, and it took Kirby smashing Tidus to realize they were proportionally overrated.

And even after Halo 2, XBox hasn't become THAT much more popular around here. I see no reason to believe that MC flattens Frog now, nor do I believe DK was one of the BIGGEST beneficiaries of the Nintendo boost to the point that he beats Vivi with ease. Both of those things should set off alarms.
Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship:
Week 3: W, 50-12 vs. Superman
Haste_2 | Posted 10/12/2006 5:06:14 PM | message detail
Well, he's not saying MC's value is completely legit, but adjusting MC down to 25% on BL is a bit too much.

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THEJackSparrow | Posted 10/12/2006 5:06:36 PM | message detail
Sam "decreased" because he was never that high in the first place. It's not unthinkable that he overperformed on Magus, you know. He was the 4 seed, and Magus's bracket support wasn't that good at all.

And why are we talking about large boosts from Gordon after what Phoenix Wright did to him? I'm almost to the point where I regard him as a character with no fixed value, like Master Chief.
Captain Jack Sparrow's Run to the NCAA Character Contest II Championship:
Week 3: W, 50-12 vs. Superman
Master Moltar | Posted 10/12/2006 5:07:45 PM | message detail
DK has the Nintendo boost, and was behind Sephiroth/Vivi in 2k4. Why shouldn't he increase?

I thought there was no SFF in Seph/Vivi? Aren't his 2004 and 2005 values pretty much the same?

Besides, DK doesn't magically get 7% stronger from that mystical Nintendo boost. No way. That damn Chief and his stat screwing ways!
Moltar Status: Feeling good and hot-blooded.
Auron vs. Alucard - Bracket: Auron - Vote: Auron (27/30)