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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 460

transience | Posted 9/5/2007 7:45:44 AM | message detail
nah, I jinxed him. I'm smooth like that.
"where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch
nintendogirl1 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:46:21 AM | message detail
Feeling really crappy about my Round 2 picks for this division at this point.

Um ... why? You must have picked Samus and MM to win their matches and at least Yoshi for 2nd right ...?
They seem obvious still.
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 7:46:22 AM | message detail
Of course comebacks will be difficult. You have 2 extra characters in there taking votes, which means a 2000 vote comeback would be like a 6000 vote comeback (to voersimplify things). Not to mention Samus will be taking alot of the afterschool vote for herself.

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 7:47:38 AM | message detail
Alot of people had Knuckles taking second to Mega Man due to Mega Man's utter anihilation of Yoshi in 2005. After seeing last round, that doesn't look like a very safe pick.

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
Crimson Dragoon | Posted 9/5/2007 7:47:44 AM | message detail
One would expect comebacks to be hampered, especially when one of the contenders is sucking away 50+% of the votes.
~FFDragon. (at Work !!) The Cream of Resident Evil Fanboyism.
ExThaNemesis | Posted 9/5/2007 7:48:13 AM | message detail
I wouldn't equate it to a 6,000 vote comeback, but Axel coming back from 2,000 down... AXEL... well, it would be very impressive, and would say a freaking TON about Kingdom Hearts, OR Chrono Trigger. Which one, we won't know until we see Crono.
~*~ExThaNemesis~*~ I do a lot of pushups and situps, and I drink plenty of juice.
This bold part is here until the New York Yankees are in first place in the AL East again. 7/2/07
The Mana Sword | Posted 9/5/2007 7:51:18 AM | message detail
Um ... why? You must have picked Samus and MM to win their matches and at least Yoshi for 2nd right ...?

Mega Man > Yoshi - fine
Samus > Frog - BAD TOUCH

Samus > Mega Man - whatever
Kleenex - Not on his computer.
Master Moltar | Posted 9/5/2007 7:51:52 AM | message detail
Looks like Frog isn't going down without a fight. Nice jump!
Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe
Axel/Frog/Samus/Kerrigan - Bracket: Samus > Frog - Vote: Samus (8/8)
neonreaper | Posted 9/5/2007 7:52:32 AM | message detail
I think Frog still has some legs in the next round

ho ho ho
cherish the certainty of now, it kills you a bit at a time
Team Jägermeister
PokemonPatriarch | Posted 9/5/2007 7:52:57 AM | message detail
Expect a showdown _next round_, kiddies! Too little too late, but maybe there are still leftover effects of MK Armageddon's boost for Scorpion?

*crosses his fingers that Frog doesn't get upset in the second round* :(
Proud fanboy of the Ogre Battle saga!!!
~~~Allah Approves~~~
transience | Posted 9/5/2007 7:53:04 AM | message detail
nice to see Samus doing well here. she really looked mediocre last night, but once the early voters shut up she's been gaining and gaining. I wonder if she can hit 53% today.
"where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch
JaKyL25 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:53:30 AM | message detail
Go Frog! Biology teachers must have just woken up!
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Character Battle V Contest Winner!
XIII_rocks | Posted 9/5/2007 7:54:39 AM | message detail
--- Sign plz
"NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU *****!" - Molly Weasley, Deathly Hallows
GrapefruitKing | Posted 9/5/2007 7:55:36 AM | message detail
Samus will get 52.80 exactly and stop there.
<_<; *points at sig*
Oracle Challenge - Today's prediction: ~ Axel 16.20% - Frog 20.72% - Samus 52.80% - Kerrigan 10.28% ~ Status: Grrreat
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 7:56:20 AM | message detail
Leftover effects? Nah. Sub-Zero will be totally different than last year. Sonic is going to make him look like crap.

And something else I've just noticed, it seems as though this contest is set up to prove me right about last year. Today we're seeing Axel do what Riku did in 2k5 and shortly we'll see Ryu and Sora impress. If all goes according to my bracket, then finally people will admit that I was completely right about last year, and we can all move on with our lives.

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
The Mana Sword | Posted 9/5/2007 7:57:08 AM | message detail
Uh huh.

Kleenex - Not on his computer.
Osfan | Posted 9/5/2007 7:57:54 AM | message detail
I have to say that even if you picked knux in round 2 the cause for concern can't be there just yet. I mean i don't think anyone thought Knux over Yoshi this year, it was more a Megaman crush Yoshi enough for Knux to win train of thought. At least that is what I thought when picking that match. It would have been nice to see Knux keep it close but Yoshi will certainly hurt next round thanks to Mega but will it be enough. I really don't think any pick for the next round looks bad yet... *patiently awaits Midna's performance tomorrow.*
"I'll do it with my magic!" - Tellah FF4
RPGuy96 | Posted 9/5/2007 7:58:59 AM | message detail
On voting trends:

Remember Crono last year? In all of his matches (most noticeably against Sonic), he:
Completely dominated the Power Hour(s),
Fell slightly during the true night,
Stumbled in the morning,
Recovered with the day,
Collapsed with the afterschool,
And improved with the evening.

We're in "recovered during the day" mode now.
Mustache...and green...
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 7:59:38 AM | message detail
The only problem with that, is that Yoshi beat Knuckles enough that it seems as though whatever Mega does to Yoshi will be done to Knuckles, at least to some degree. Of all my round 2 picks, that's the one worrying me the most right now.

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 8:00:54 AM | message detail
And since we've started the contest now, what are everyone's thoughts on Vincent/Zelda? I don't recall seeing too much discussion about it, and it will be coming up soon.

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
Osfan | Posted 9/5/2007 8:01:41 AM | message detail
The Sonic Megaman battles along with the old Yoshi Knux battle makes me think that the SFF of Mega over Nintendo is quite a degree stronger then the SFF of Mega over Sonic. Knux of course isn't Sonic but still...
"I'll do it with my magic!" - Tellah FF4
JustForFun1988 | Posted 9/5/2007 8:04:15 AM | message detail
Assuming Nintendo characters got a small boost in strength due to the success of Wii this year(just like how all Square characters got a boost in 2003 due to KH), i think Zelda has a good chance of winning especially when she got post TP and small pre PH boost.
LeonhartFour | Posted 9/5/2007 8:05:11 AM | message detail
Good to see that Frog is still effectively stalling Axel right now. I'll have to wait and see what Axel does with the after school vote first, but I think Frog can hold on. It just seems odd to see a minor KHII character beating a playable CT character.

Kerrigan is doing much better than I expected though. I'll give her a little bit of credit. Part of my problem was probably that I shot Samus too high though.
"I'm no hero...Never was. I'm just an old killer...hired to do some wet work."
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 8:06:21 AM | message detail
You can't have expected Mega Man to SFF Sonic. They were dead even the entire match. And what old Yoshi/Knux battle?

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
Osfan | Posted 9/5/2007 8:06:29 AM | message detail
I've always thought Zelda >> Gdorf because of the namesake of the series... but the new games success certainly will help and Vincent is a year older not that anything from 7 will ever die if they keep releasing spinoffs remakes and everything else under the sun.
"I'll do it with my magic!" - Tellah FF4
RPGuy96 | Posted 9/5/2007 8:06:51 AM | message detail
By the hour:

Time | Axel | Frog | Samus | Kerrigan
01:00 | 15.51% | 22.39% | 50.63% | 11.48%
02:00 | 15.67% | 21.55% | 50.58% | 12.20%
03:00 | 15.68% | 21.37% | 49.87% | 13.08%
04:00 | 17.24% | 18.54% | 50.83% | 13.39%
05:00 | 18.55% | 17.94% | 49.49% | 14.01%
06:00 | 19.95% | 17.44% | 50.22% | 12.39%
07:00 | 18.83% | 16.01% | 54.45% | 10.71%
08:00 | 18.76% | 16.32% | 54.97% | 09.95%
09:00 | 17.36% | 17.51% | 54.62% | 10.50%
10:00 | 17.20% | 18.17% | 52.96% | 11.68%
11:00 | 16.06% | 18.59% | 54.08% | 11.27%

Axel owning the morning is not a good sign for Frog.
Mustache...and green...
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 8:07:35 AM | message detail
Leon, I wouldn't count Samus out yet.

With the recency of MP3, I can see her dominating from after school on. She can easily push 55% here.

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 8:08:55 AM | message detail
Ouch. Looking at Kerrigan's morning vote really takes away my confidence that she might make this loss respectable. I can see her going under 10% as Samus and Axel fight over the kiddy vote.

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
KnuxBeatMagus | Posted 9/5/2007 8:09:02 AM | message detail
That last hour was awfully good for Frog though. He needed something like that before school lets out.

Also, #50 on the leaderboard right here!
Never forget.
JustForFun1988 | Posted 9/5/2007 8:09:53 AM | message detail
BT, who do you have for Zelda/Vincent.
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 8:10:34 AM | message detail
I forgot to make a speed bracket and a favourites bracket =(

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
transience | Posted 9/5/2007 8:11:15 AM | message detail
wow, I hadn't realized how hard Kerrigan got hit in the morning. she's gon' drop like hell come daytime.
"where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch
RPGuy96 | Posted 9/5/2007 8:12:00 AM | message detail
He did indeed, and he should get a couple more of them before 3. After that, though, it's going to get ugly. I think he can hang on, but this is probably the least confident I've been in a 1500 vote lead in a long, long time.
Mustache...and green...
transience | Posted 9/5/2007 8:13:01 AM | message detail
do you have Crono/Sonic hourlies, by chance?
"where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 8:14:26 AM | message detail
I have Zelda > Vincent, but I'm starting to doubt myself now.

Sure Zelda has TP, Brawl and PH under her dress, but I think her performance last year might be a little bit inflated, while Vincent's was likely right on the money. I think when I made my bracket I had FF7/MGS SFF in mind and was thinking Boss would take enough of that support away from Vincent to let Zelda steal it

It will be close either way.

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
AmazingKirby | Posted 9/5/2007 8:16:21 AM | message detail
This 11 o' clock hour is the time when all the worst people vote. They never vote for Rikku, Kairi, Axel, etc. >_>
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 8:19:16 AM | message detail
This 11 o' clock hour is the time when all the best people vote. They never vote for Rikku, Kairi, Axel, etc. >_>


"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
RPGuy96 | Posted 9/5/2007 8:20:19 AM | message detail
Time | Sonic | Crono
01:00 | 46.16% | 53.84%
02:00 | 45.49% | 54.51%
03:00 | 46.01% | 53.99%
04:00 | 45.40% | 54.60%
05:00 | 46.81% | 53.19%
06:00 | 49.62% | 50.38%
07:00 | 51.63% | 48.37%
08:00 | 52.24% | 47.76%
09:00 | 50.03% | 49.97%
10:00 | 50.48% | 49.52%
11:00 | 51.75% | 48.25%
12:00 | 52.25% | 47.75%
13:00 | 50.93% | 49.07%
14:00 | 51.92% | 48.08%
15:00 | 52.35% | 47.65%
16:00 | 53.03% | 46.97%
17:00 | 54.75% | 45.25%
18:00 | 53.09% | 46.91%
19:00 | 53.16% | 46.84%
20:00 | 51.73% | 48.27%
21:00 | 52.62% | 47.38%
22:00 | 51.31% | 48.69%
23:00 | 51.54% | 48.46%
00:00 | 51.15% | 48.85%

Crono couldn't make gains (or even stall) during the period that Frog is gaining now, and he *completely* collapsed during the day.
Mustache...and green...
transience | Posted 9/5/2007 8:22:09 AM | message detail
that actually makes me feel better about Frog.

11:00 | 51.75% | 48.25%
12:00 | 52.25% | 47.75%

those were some of his worst times, ignoring that afterschool slaughter. Frog's looking to do the opposite to Axel here.
"where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 8:22:33 AM | message detail
Wasn't Crono/Sonic on a weekend?

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 8:24:07 AM | message detail
And you also have to remember, Sonic's best time is the morning hours. He lost the afternoon vote to Mega Man in 2k5, but dominated in the morning.

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/5/2007 8:26:32 AM | message detail
I stand corrected. Crono/Sonic was a Friday

"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" -trancer1
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
GrapefruitKing | Posted 9/5/2007 8:35:56 AM | message detail
Whoo Frog over 1500
Oracle Challenge - Today's prediction: ~ Axel 16.20% - Frog 20.72% - Samus 52.80% - Kerrigan 10.28% ~ Status: Grrreat
voltch | Posted 9/5/2007 8:43:06 AM | message detail
anyone got this in their bracket?

Samus>mega man then cloud>mega man?
i'm banking on SFF to help out rockman get through this match.
Rufus shinra destroyed my bracket in the sc2k6 contest.
H__RR____H | Posted 9/5/2007 8:44:52 AM | message detail
I'm feeling much better about Frog now. The after-school vote should still be fun to watch though!
Damn, most of my dates involve mocking and/or beating up people like you and your bride-to-be, so I really have no advice --Horatio
Buzzup | Posted 9/5/2007 8:46:13 AM | message detail
Tomorrow will be Kratos' day of glory!
GrapefruitKing | Posted 9/5/2007 8:46:38 AM | message detail
Frog is kinda going berserk right now
And Samus about to go over 52% for the first time in this match
Oracle Challenge - Today's prediction: ~ Axel 16.20% - Frog 20.72% - Samus 52.80% - Kerrigan 10.28% ~ Status: Grrreat
transience | Posted 9/5/2007 8:48:26 AM | message detail
whoa Frog

percentages for the last sixty minutes:

Frog - 19.67%
Axel - 16.68%
"where the heck does diablo get his votes from on weekends? He should be losing because christians are fresh from the church and voting against evil" -voltch
MadGamer_11 | Posted 9/5/2007 8:49:41 AM | message detail
"To be forgotten is worse than death"-Freya FFIX
Crimson Dragoon | Posted 9/5/2007 8:50:18 AM | message detail
~FFDragon. (at Work !!) The Cream of Resident Evil Fanboyism.