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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 484

Team Rocket Elite | Posted 9/15/2007 7:54:25 PM | message detail
Only 1 other character has broken 100k in one match. She got 102,509 votes. If Link will be #1 if he breaks that number.
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
YoAriel33 | Posted 9/15/2007 7:56:02 PM | message detail
Agent J: Four votes in five minutes.

Expect nothing less.
yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
Dark Silvergun | Posted 9/15/2007 7:57:08 PM | message detail
He's at 100518 now, 2000 more seems almost guaranteed.
Warning, the self-destruct system has been activated, all personnel should evacuate immediately, 5 minutes to detonation.
LeonhartFour | Posted 9/15/2007 7:57:27 PM | message detail
I want to expect less! I want Agent J to be the first character to get 0 votes in a five minute update!
"I'm no hero...Never was. I'm just an old killer...hired to do some wet work."
RPGuy96 | Posted 9/15/2007 7:59:31 PM | message detail
C'mon, J! Get back in double digits! AGENTS ARE GO!
"Impossible...To turn this trial around in one shot..." ~ Miles Edgeworth
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/15/2007 7:59:48 PM | message detail
The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar
Lady Ashe | Posted 9/15/2007 7:59:51 PM | message detail
Link/Cloud/Snake/Agent J.

Does he do better or worse than he is doing now?
YoAriel33 | Posted 9/15/2007 8:00:40 PM | message detail
Agent J with a MONSTER SPIKE.
yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/15/2007 8:00:55 PM | message detail
Has Edgeworth won ONE update against Bidoof?
The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar
TimJab | Posted 9/15/2007 8:01:07 PM | message detail
Agent J wouldn't break 100 votes.
Just call me TJ
LeonhartFour | Posted 9/15/2007 8:01:34 PM | message detail
Agent J just quadrupled his vote output that time.

Sailor Bacon, are you paying attention?!
"I'm no hero...Never was. I'm just an old killer...hired to do some wet work."
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/15/2007 8:02:07 PM | message detail
*checks over*

Although agent J never broke 70 votes in an update. His highest was 69.
The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar
YoAriel33 | Posted 9/15/2007 8:02:30 PM | message detail
Imagine the board's reaction if Agent J was the one to get votes removed.
yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
LeonhartFour | Posted 9/15/2007 8:07:52 PM | message detail
Oh, and Brett, since you asked, I checked to see if Edgey beat Bidoof on an update. I found a 1 vote win for him at the 7:17 mark.
"I'm no hero...Never was. I'm just an old killer...hired to do some wet work."
transience | Posted 9/15/2007 8:13:07 PM | message detail
I applaud a man that can pull a 1.27% update.
Pondos | Posted 9/15/2007 8:17:51 PM | message detail
Although agent J never broke 70 votes in an update. His highest was 69.

Heh, 69
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it is too dark to read. -Groucho Marx
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/15/2007 8:19:03 PM | message detail
Round 1- Division 4 Group B

Characters Involved:


Summer 2002 Contest
North Division - 11 Seed

Northern Round 1 --- Lost to (6) Alucard, 28190 [45.68%] - 33516 [54.32%]
Extrapolated Strength --- 28th Place [20.74%]

Summer 2003 Contest
East Division - 9 Seed

Eastern Round 1 --- Lost to (8) Auron, 38685 [35.53%] - 70199 [64.47%]
Extrapolated Strength --- 41st Place [19.76%]

Summer 2004 Contest
Chaos Division - 12 Seed

Chaos Round 1 --- Defeated (5) Viewtiful Joe, 43775 [54.80%] - 36102 [45.20%]
Chaos Quarterfinal --- Lost to (4) Dante, 33472 [42.60%] - 45109 [57.40%]
Extrapolated Strength --- 33rd Place [21.71%]

Sonic's loveable sidekick returns to the field, and is stuck in a match he can't possible get out of. Shame. He should get third place though.

The Boss

Summer 2006 Contest
Limit Division - 4 Seed

Limit Round 1 --- Defeated (5) Celes, 66787 [61.08%] - 42565 [38.92%]
Limit Semifinal --- Lost to (1) Tifa, 30934 [25.45%] - 90595 [74.55%]
Extrapolated Strength --- 39th Place [25.20%]

I don't know much about The Boss (seeing as I got about a third of the way through MGS3 before putting it down out of sheer boredom), but I do know that last year, Tifa completely embarassed her. Still, Boss is incredibly weak here and should be a lock for last place. Though she may play a critical role here, but I'll get to that later.

Vincent Valentine

Summer 2005 Contest
Devil Division - 5 Seed

Devil Round 1 --- Defeated (4) Kerrigan, 79200 [79.00%] - 21058 [21.00%]
Devil Semifinal --- Defeated (1) Dante, 53882 [54.00%] - 45893 [46.00%]
Devil Final --- Defeated (2) Squall, 49446 [50.59%] - 48297 [49.41%]
Elite Eight --- Lost to (2) Crono, 42546 [44.62%] - 52814 [55.38%]
Extrapolated Strength --- 11th Place [32.60%]

Summer 2006 Contest
Blast Division - 5 Seed

Blast Round 1 --- Defeated (4) Ganondorf, 67321 [52.59%] - 60685 [47.41%]
Blast Semifinal --- Lost to (1) Sonic the Hedgehog, 59497 [47.91%] - 64699 [52.09%]
Extrapolated Strength --- 8th Place [40.44%]

Vincent Valentine, easily the star of 2005 and one of the strongest characters knocking at the door of the Noble Nine. He's a lock to advance here and the next round.
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/15/2007 8:19:19 PM | message detail

Summer 2003 Contest
West Division - 10 Seed

Western Round 1 --- Defeated (7) Lara Croft, 70941 [62.29%] - 42940 [37.71%]
Western Quarterfinal --- Lost to (2) Mega Man, 43239 [39.25%] - 65528 [60.75%]
Extrapolated Strength --- 19th Place [30.29%]

Summer 2005 Contest
Gear Division - 5 Seed

Gear Round 1 --- Defeated (4) Vivi, 62347 [59.56%] - 42324 [40.44%]
Gear Semifinal --- Lost to (1) Solid Snake, 48941 [45.59%] - 58421 [54.41%]
Extrapolated Strength --- 14th Place [30.89%]

Summer 2006 Contest
Triforce Division - 1 Seed

Triforce Round 1 --- Defeated (8) Carmen Sandiego, 102509 [86.08%] - 16578 [13.92%]
Triforce Semifinal --- Defeated (4) Terra, 92826 [79.45%] - 24005 [20.55%]
Triforce Final --- Defeated (2) Aeris, 71597 [56.87%] - 54300 [43.13%]
Elite Eight --- Defeated (1) Yuna, 77105 [57.02%] - 58112 [42.98%]
Final Four --- Lost to (1) Samus, 58985 [44.73%] - 72890 [55.27%]
Extrapolated Srength --- 4th Place [44.73%]

Zelda is another one of those near-elites, and nothing showed that more than her performance last year. She may be a bit overrated in her match with Samus, but the point remains that she dominated her half of the female bracket completely. The other lock to advance, it's a shame she's wasted against Link in round 2, because she could have done some major damage with a different draw.


This is basically Ganon/Vincent 2.0, although a few things are different this time around. Like last year, it's a member of the Zelda triumvirate up against the moody FF7 optional character, and like last year, the Board is almost split 50/50 on this one.

However, unlike last year, it is the Zelda character with the new release and boost potential. Twilight Princess has come out since we last saw Zelda, and general hype surrounding Brawl has increased tenfold. She also has a DS game coming up this holiday season. So even if you think Ganondorf > Zelda, Vincent still has a realistic shot at losing this.

The one critical factor here, will be The Boss. Metal Gear/Final Fantasy SFF has been seen time and time again, except for once, it is the Final Fantasy character that will suffer. It won't be much, but it should be enough that our lovely princess should be able to pull off the win. Expect it to be close, and with a good vote swing.

TuRtLe's Prediction: Zelda 36%, Vincent 34%, Tails 20%, The Boss 10%
TuRtLe's Bracket: Zelda > Vincent
TuRtLe's Vote: Zelda

38/48 in the contest. Next pick: Link > Bidoof
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
ExThaNemesis | Posted 9/15/2007 8:21:50 PM | message detail
Good analysis, Turtle, but you're on the complete wrong side.

FFVII to go 3-1.
~*~ExThaNemesis~*~ I do a lot of pushups and situps, and I drink plenty of juice.
This bold part is here until the New York Yankees are in first place in the AL East again. 7/2/07
LeonhartFour | Posted 9/15/2007 8:23:47 PM | message detail
Tails hurts Zelda in this match! Bank on it!
"I'm no hero...Never was. I'm just an old killer...hired to do some wet work."
ZFS | Posted 9/15/2007 8:25:15 PM | message detail
Oh, Turtle.

Experiment status report update: Metroid project 'Dread' is nearing the final stages of completion.
Keno316 | Posted 9/15/2007 8:26:23 PM | message detail
I have no idea how you can argue that The Boss will hurt Vincent...

The opposite I could see as a slim chance...but who would take the Boss over Vincent?
"Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB
*Claims KG's Eclair, C.C. & Tear Grants*
hochiminh155 | Posted 9/15/2007 8:26:28 PM | message detail
Tails hurts Zelda in this match

If my theory is correct... yes.

Fc: 4768 3939 5325
Master Moltar | Posted 9/15/2007 8:27:02 PM | message detail
The opposite I could see as a slim chance...but who would take the Boss over Vincent?

Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe
Tails/The Boss/Vincent/Zelda - Bracket: Vincent > Zelda - Vote: The Boss (44/52)
Keno316 | Posted 9/15/2007 8:27:19 PM | message detail
Link needs about 3~4 more updates to have the new record.
"Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB
*Claims KG's Eclair, C.C. & Tear Grants*
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/15/2007 8:31:09 PM | message detail
Simple math lesson.

Let's take this match as an example. Say, Zelda and Vincent 50/50. Throw in Tails. He's not exactly related to either character, but for the sake of argument let's say he's considered more Nintendo. He takes a slice of both character's votes, but should take more from Zelda, So that gives us Zelda 38%, Vincent 40% and Tails with 22% (once again for the sake of argument). Now we've seen the MGS/FF overlap many times before (most notably in this case, Tifa vs The Boss last year). Throw in The Boss, and due to the overlap, she should take more votes from Vincent than Zelda, and to a bigger degree than Tails did.

That brings us to my pulled-out-of-the ass number.

38/48 in the contest. Next pick: Link > Bidoof
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
ZFS | Posted 9/15/2007 8:32:45 PM | message detail
It's so close to the match that I'm not even going to bother.

Experiment status report update: Metroid project 'Dread' is nearing the final stages of completion.
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/15/2007 8:34:24 PM | message detail
No matter what happens tomorrow, I come out a winrar. Zelda wins, it proves the same train of thought I had when I took Zero. Vincent wins it proves that higher seeded characters have a tendency to overperform.

38/48 in the contest. Next pick: Link > Bidoof
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
Mac Arrowny | Posted 9/15/2007 8:35:59 PM | message detail
Snake hurt Cloud more than Link, so shouldn't The Boss hurt Vincent more than Zelda? Yeah, it won't be a huge number, but I believe that it will be a close match, and even a small amount could be decisive.
Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need.
Mac Arrowny | Posted 9/15/2007 8:36:31 PM | message detail
Vincent wins it proves that higher seeded characters have a tendency to overperform.

Rapid analysis, accurate judgment, and superb powers of concentration. That is all we need.
LeonhartFour | Posted 9/15/2007 8:36:59 PM | message detail
Snake hurt Cloud more than Link, so shouldn't The Boss hurt Vincent more than Zelda?

Snake hurt him by about a percent more, so the difference is negligible unless it turns out to be really close.
"I'm no hero...Never was. I'm just an old killer...hired to do some wet work."
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/15/2007 8:37:46 PM | message detail
What I meant, is that if Zelda loses this, with everything going in her favour, that means last year was a complete fluke for her, which means it was likely a complete fluke for Sora, Luigi and Yuna as well.

38/48 in the contest. Next pick: Link > Bidoof
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
LeonhartFour | Posted 9/15/2007 8:38:41 PM | message detail
What a stupid conclusion.

It was a fluke for Mega Man, obviously.
"I'm no hero...Never was. I'm just an old killer...hired to do some wet work."
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 9/15/2007 8:38:56 PM | message detail
You know Samus was also a 1 seed, right?
"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."
"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."
JonPen1416 | Posted 9/15/2007 8:42:30 PM | message detail
Maybe it is just this format, but FF/MGS SFF became pretty suspect when Cloud was apparently unable to SFF Ocelot, and it really doesn't look like Ocelot was able to hurt Cloud's % that much either.
"Even beasts know when to give up." ~Raphael Sorel
MarioSuperstar | Posted 9/15/2007 8:43:27 PM | message detail
I'm not even going to bother with Turtle when it comes to him trying to argue Mega Man being constant.
Today: Vincent > Zelda - Vote: Tails
Tomorrow: Crono > Raiden - Vote: Crono - Points: 42/52
Keno316 | Posted 9/15/2007 8:43:42 PM | message detail
And Link rules the record!
"Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB
*Claims KG's Eclair, C.C. & Tear Grants*
transience | Posted 9/15/2007 8:44:27 PM | message detail
I love how 80% of the posts in this topic is "I'm not going to bother with Turtle". :)

just ignore him and don't mention it dammit

Bidoof with 50%!
HaRRicH | Posted 9/15/2007 8:47:30 PM | message detail
I applaud a man that can pull a 1.27% update.

As do I. Perhaps even a slow clap should be started...?
PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below:
charmander6000 | Posted 9/15/2007 8:47:30 PM | message detail
So with Link thrid in the poll how many people do you think took him for first.

I'm guessing about 70%
The Board 8 BOP -
Match 13: Link > Bidoof Points: 36/48
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/15/2007 8:48:10 PM | message detail
Samus can be explained by wonky Nintendo SFF.

I'm talking about the beating Zelda laid on her division, and the beating Yuna laid on her division.

38/48 in the contest. Next pick: Link > Bidoof
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
LeonhartFour | Posted 9/15/2007 8:48:15 PM | message detail
Huzzah for Bidoof having a higher first place percentage than Link!
"I'm no hero...Never was. I'm just an old killer...hired to do some wet work."
MarioSuperstar | Posted 9/15/2007 8:48:33 PM | message detail
just ignore him and don't mention it dammit

... well I had to paste something to test this sig dammit. >_> <_<
Today: Vincent > Zelda - Vote: Tails
Tomorrow: Crono > Raiden - Vote: Crono - Points: 42/52
Haste_2 | Posted 9/15/2007 8:48:47 PM | message detail
I was hoping somebody could pull of the legendary "0.00%" update this contest... however, if Agent J can't do it, I don't think anyone can.

"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
The n00b Avenger | Posted 9/15/2007 8:49:10 PM | message detail
Seems to me like only ~60% understand that order matters, so I'd say ~60% have Link
This story is not an end yet.
Because only you are in the infinity loop.
Draco1214 | Posted 9/15/2007 8:49:22 PM | message detail
I was hoping somebody could pull of the legendary "0.00%" update this contest... however, if Agent J can't do it, I don't think anyone can.

Nathan Hale
Currently Playing: Persona 3
ZFS | Posted 9/15/2007 8:49:29 PM | message detail
There's always Haseo!

Experiment status report update: Metroid project 'Dread' is nearing the final stages of completion.
KamikazePotato | Posted 9/15/2007 8:50:41 PM | message detail
Nathan Hale is at least on like the only good PS3 game right now. And Haseo is from an RPG, so he's bound top have some hardcore fans. Neither of them will get 0.00% updates.
The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 9/15/2007 8:50:52 PM | message detail
You don't have to believe my whacky seed theories or anything like that, but I still see how people believe Mega Man dropped last year after him and Sonic got nearly the same percentage on Snake. Everything this year has pointed to Mega Man being the same as always last year (Axel impressing, Ryu impressing). Really, the only "evidence" for a Mega Man drop is Sora being near-elite, and that can be explained by both the recency of KH2 last year and his 1-seed.

38/48 in the contest. Next pick: Link > Bidoof
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
LeonhartFour | Posted 9/15/2007 8:51:36 PM | message detail
Do as many people here own a PS3 as Agent J got votes today?
"I'm no hero...Never was. I'm just an old killer...hired to do some wet work."