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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 527

Keno316 | Posted 10/20/2007 9:40:50 PM | message detail
And now MegaMan is forced to build up his lead from scratch again...
"Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB
*Claims KG's Eclair, C.C. & Tear Grants*
charmander6000 | Posted 10/20/2007 9:41:10 PM | message detail
Mega Man won't roll over and die.
The Board 8 BOP -
Match 49: Mega Man > Samus Points: 181/256
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/20/2007 9:41:23 PM | message detail
The King of SFF takes back his crown with authority!

(and with a vote to spare)

Remember kids no one actually likes Samus
Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package.
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/20/2007 9:42:04 PM | message detail
He's right, you know. Even I, a big Samus Aran supporter and fan, actually hate her.
yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
Lopen | Posted 10/20/2007 9:42:33 PM | message detail
Mega Man's still looking very good... how many 73 vote spikes can Samus really have in her arsenal?
paraboxx | Posted 10/20/2007 9:42:35 PM | message detail
Good lord. Two votes!? How can she possibly come back from such a beating
swirIdude | Posted 10/20/2007 9:42:41 PM | message detail
He's right, you know. Even I, a big Samus Aran supporter and fan, actually hate her.

I am also a Samus fan that despises her greatly!
Jesus never had co-op adventure mode. Brawl is a little bit better. ~McMoogle
Master Moltar | Posted 10/20/2007 9:42:42 PM | message detail
Samus is just toying with him. She's like "oh you huny hunk mega man, you can have the lead for now but i'll take it back soon~~!<3"
Moltar Status: The Analysis Crew...believe
Mega Man/Yoshi/Samus/Scorrpion - Bracket: Samus > Mega Man - Vote: Yoshi (215/256)
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/20/2007 9:43:11 PM | message detail
I predict that Mega Man will come back with a 40 vote gan next update. n_n
The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar
ZFS | Posted 10/20/2007 9:43:19 PM | message detail
KH secretly thinks Samus to be the best character ever -- what a nova beam fanboy.

"Ha! No spoony bard could spin a sweeter tale!"
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/20/2007 9:44:27 PM | message detail
Don't listen to HM's lies!



Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package.
HaRRicH | Posted 10/20/2007 9:44:57 PM | message detail
Zelda - Yeah, I realize she finished last due to Link SFF, but there’s still something wrong with going from 45% on Samus to losing to Bidoof.

Better than 49.5% on Samus only to be snubbed the next year!
PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below:
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/20/2007 9:45:06 PM | message detail
If that's a real spoiler I will kill you KH
The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/20/2007 9:45:18 PM | message detail
The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar
RockMFR 5 | Posted 10/20/2007 9:45:23 PM | message detail
Are you just going to eat peaches?! o_0
The Ohio State University: We are so much better than m*ch!g@n.
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 10/20/2007 9:45:30 PM | message detail
it's ova mega man
CB6 - 186/256; Oracle - 32nd
GrapefruitKing | Posted 10/20/2007 9:45:31 PM | message detail
Oracle Prediction: ~ SMAUS ARNA 34.05% - Blue Bomber 30.28% - Boshi 19.05% - Skorupi 16.62% ~ Status: ?
Lady Ashe | Posted 10/20/2007 9:45:34 PM | message detail
Yep. Don't expect to see Mega Man with the lead again.
Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism.
ZFS | Posted 10/20/2007 9:45:35 PM | message detail
Samus with the lead!

"Ha! No spoony bard could spin a sweeter tale!"
transience | Posted 10/20/2007 9:45:41 PM | message detail

just posting this in case someone might take it seriously

but seriously, Samus is in a great position here.
Keno316 | Posted 10/20/2007 9:45:53 PM | message detail
"Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB
*Claims KG's Eclair, C.C. & Tear Grants*
charmander6000 | Posted 10/20/2007 9:45:56 PM | message detail
Game Over Samus wins.

The Board 8 BOP -
Match 49: Mega Man > Samus Points: 181/256
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/20/2007 9:45:57 PM | message detail
Nova Beam is cheap, Samus
Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package.
Riku11 | Posted 10/20/2007 9:46:07 PM | message detail
Pokemon Pearl FC-0945 9482 2053
PBR Code-236329131319
smitelf | Posted 10/20/2007 9:46:17 PM | message detail
This match is a nail-biter. That awful NES pic of Samus has turned this from a foregone conclusion to the most interesting battle of the round.
Official Queen ***** of the Universe!
Political Compass: -0.38, -4.21
GrapefruitKing | Posted 10/20/2007 9:46:31 PM | message detail
If that's a real spoiler I will kill you KH
Oracle Prediction: ~ SMAUS ARNA 34.05% - Blue Bomber 30.28% - Boshi 19.05% - Skorupi 16.62% ~ Status: ?
Lady Ashe | Posted 10/20/2007 9:47:05 PM | message detail
From smitelf Posted 10/21/2007 12:46:17 AM #075
This match is a nail-biter. That awful NES pic of Samus has turned this from a foregone conclusion to the most interesting battle of the round.

Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism.
Haste_2 | Posted 10/20/2007 9:47:10 PM | message detail
Not sure who to root for... I like Samus more and she's on my bracket as first place... I think I'll root for Mega Man if only because Samus is beating him next round.

"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?"
"Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/20/2007 9:47:23 PM | message detail
The Nova Beam did kinda suck. It just didn't seem to have that super ultra powerful feeling that MP1's Plasma Beam had.
yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
HaRRicH | Posted 10/20/2007 9:47:55 PM | message detail
Yoshi just ate Mega Man and pooped him out, followed by Samus delivering her FS on him right before Scorpion performed a fatality!!!

I imagine that's what it's like to lose the lead in this match, at least.
PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below:
smitelf | Posted 10/20/2007 9:48:11 PM | message detail

...Yes. OMG epic argument is epic.
Official Queen ***** of the Universe!
Political Compass: -0.38, -4.21
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/20/2007 9:48:35 PM | message detail
You realize you could one-shot Commandos and Metroids with ease with the Nova Beam. Hypermode just decreased its novelty is all.
Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package.
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/20/2007 9:48:52 PM | message detail
Good to know my line of thinking was right, even if it happened a round too early and as a result of Yoshi rather than Bowser.

205/256 in the contest. Next pick: Samus > Mega Man
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
Lady Ashe | Posted 10/20/2007 9:49:23 PM | message detail
This match is going to be over within the next ten minutes.
Ashe. The Cream of Final Fantasy Fanboyism.
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/20/2007 9:49:58 PM | message detail
So what was that about this picture not affecting Samus that much? So much for that theory.
GSB International Champion
WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/20/2007 9:50:25 PM | message detail
Boring match is boring

Screw you Samus
The apples were too strong for him.- Abomstar
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/20/2007 9:50:59 PM | message detail
Whether this is now a forgone conclusion or not, this is still a horrible performance.
GSB International Champion
WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/20/2007 9:51:16 PM | message detail
In other news, Yoshi only gained 1 there

205/256 in the contest. Next pick: Samus > Mega Man
BlAcK TuRtLe. The cream of Zero fanboyism
Keno316 | Posted 10/20/2007 9:51:21 PM | message detail
Ugh...I can't wait til Link and Cloud eat Samus for Lunch...
"Opinions are like butts, little girl. Everyone's got one and nobody thinks their's stink." -Lunar 2:EB
*Claims KG's Eclair, C.C. & Tear Grants*
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/20/2007 9:51:26 PM | message detail
Yeah, it was powerful. It just didn't uh... feel powerful? Like how I'd imagine the kickback to be. Please stop me if I'm not making sense!
yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
creativename | Posted 10/20/2007 9:51:46 PM | message detail
KH, though I don't care at all about Metroid Prime 3, next time please do not the the actual spoilers in huge capital letters :)

This match is a nail-biter. That awful NES pic of Samus has turned this from a foregone conclusion to the most interesting battle of the round.


What do you mean, "no"? This match was a foregone conclusion, and now it is the most interesting battle of the round!
Lopen | Posted 10/20/2007 9:51:46 PM | message detail
I guess I'm alone in thinking the picture isn't affecting Samus. I figured Mega Man would easily trounce her if the picture was gonna screw her.
Sonic_Factor | Posted 10/20/2007 9:51:58 PM | message detail
How bad would mm lose in a 1vs1 match against samus? 58-42 or so? Samus is even stronger this year..MM would be getting owned if not for yoshi.
Hi. Hello. Howdy.
transience | Posted 10/20/2007 9:52:11 PM | message detail
wait. were people expecting this to be a blowout or something?

....if so, why...?
The n00b Avenger | Posted 10/20/2007 9:52:51 PM | message detail
I don't think it's very interesting. Maybe if one of them was eliminated. But they both move on regardless
This story is not an end yet.
Because only you are in the infinity loop.
HaRRicH | Posted 10/20/2007 9:52:53 PM | message detail
Between her sprite and having Yoshi in the poll, I'm rather happy that Samus is doing this right now...of course I'd like her to do better, but win/lose/draw this match I expect Samus to do next round what she should be doing this match.
PETITION: a "Contest Suggestions" board. Life-changing details below:
Karma Hunter | Posted 10/20/2007 9:53:41 PM | message detail
I understand what you're saying, but the Nova Beam *was* the Plasma Beam, as far as appearances go. It's merely a palette swap from orange-red to neon-green, much like the Annihilator was IIRC. The Plasma Beam might've had a bit more *oomph* to it in terms of sound, but I'd have to play MP1 again to confirm.

(waugh updates)
Samus 2K5 is horribly underrated, and is indirectly stronger than Mario. KHF sucks and never existed either, much like my package.
YoAriel33 | Posted 10/20/2007 9:54:24 PM | message detail
It's still far from over. I can easily see Mega Man retaking and building the lead during the dead hours, forcing Samus to fight for it during the morning.

I know most of us expected Samus to win by a few percentage points. If she does that, though, I can't help but think that a 1v1 match between these two would be rather ugly. Samus is likely handicapped by both her picture and Yoshi's presence.
yoblazer33: NO LIMITZ
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
smitelf | Posted 10/20/2007 9:55:16 PM | message detail
From The n00b Avenger
I don't think it's very interesting. Maybe if one of them was eliminated. But they both move on regardless

It's a great opportunity to observe the pic factor, too. Interesting insights into matches to come...
Official Queen ***** of the Universe!
Political Compass: -0.38, -4.21
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/20/2007 9:55:58 PM | message detail
WTF just happened that update. Samus just went into Hypermode and forgot to get out.
GSB International Champion
WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko