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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 582

eli_loves_ddr | Posted 10/1/2008 3:13:37 PM | message detail
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/1/2008 3:14:03 PM | message detail

I want to visit Turtleland someday. It seems like a nice, quiet, isolated from the rest of the world place.

Zylo the wolf | Posted 10/1/2008 3:14:56 PM | message detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
nintendogirl1 | Posted 10/1/2008 3:18:59 PM | message detail
I just realized I haven't posted this anywhere yet.
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 10/1/2008 3:19:56 PM | message detail awesome God, he falls, from the sky above...
"Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day." ~Bagon's Pokedex entry
therealmnm | Posted 10/1/2008 3:20:59 PM | message detail
That looks like Legion from Castlevania in L-Block form
Currently playing: GTAIV, SSBB, MP3, Apollo Justice, FFIVDS, Dracula X
Malakuko | Posted 10/1/2008 3:22:21 PM | message detail
holy crap

how is this still so close

Lopen | Posted 10/1/2008 3:23:15 PM | message detail
Augh you're one of them ngirl nooo.

Ryu may be a god of combat but he's takin this.
Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude.
Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe This is just like a bonus level. Break the blocks.
red sox 777 | Posted 10/1/2008 3:23:28 PM | message detail
Come on Ryu, show us this tetris block isn't invincible!
Evvivan: Character Battle VII --- Score: 46/52 --- T-18 (96 way)
Bracket: Ryu > L-Block --- Vote: Meta-Knight
hochimnih157 | Posted 10/1/2008 3:23:52 PM | message detail
What? How the **** did L-Block manage to overtake Ryu? Not even I foresaw this.

WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 10/1/2008 3:24:46 PM | message detail
You know your performance is impressive when hochi is saying that. >_>
"Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day." ~Bagon's Pokedex entry
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/1/2008 3:25:52 PM | message detail
Also, it is my birthday, stats topic. Help me celebrate by voting for Ike!

What? I don't mind belated presents. A vote for Ike is a vote for potatoes the world over.

nintendogirl1 | Posted 10/1/2008 3:26:42 PM | message detail
Oh yeah Lopen. I'm one of them so much. It's not because I hate the contests or want them to be unpredictable. It's not because I'm trying to send a message. My vote goes to the character or thing, if character offends anyone that gave me the most joy throughout my life. L-Block wins.

It's as simple as that.
Although the whining is funny.
Merc25 | Posted 10/1/2008 3:28:56 PM | message detail
So if L-Block is a god, then would that make L a chaos god?

So how do we decide if a contestant is a joke character?
If you read this signature, then you have wasted your time.
(:H --- Capt. Bullet, my mascot. |playing: BOF3, SP:DM
hellfire104 | Posted 10/1/2008 3:32:16 PM | message detail
L-block gained 26 votes in the last 5 minute update.

Book this one its done. By the time that magical 2 hrs for street fighter even starts, Ryu will be behind by like 600 votes.
Contest Point Total: 38 Rank: 92%tile, Tied for 3346
This Pick: L-Block > Ryu
Xuxon | Posted 10/1/2008 3:35:43 PM | message detail
hmm... the past 45 minutes have been a bit better for ryu than before. i see the lead growing to around 300-350 in an hour at the most, then i'm not sure. if ryu could start stalling early he'd still be in it. as of now i'd say l-block wins by a few hundred
DQVIII LLG - level 1/6/10/19, before Captain Crow
Brawl FC: 0344-9611-6716
Wii_TuRtLe | Posted 10/1/2008 3:38:31 PM | message detail
I'll be voting for Arthas there since the competition is augh!
Electroplankton | Posted 10/1/2008 3:40:24 PM | message detail

My joke Alucard made it.

(|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08)
. /|_|\
Lopen | Posted 10/1/2008 3:43:53 PM | message detail
Oh yeah Lopen. I'm one of them so much. It's not because I hate the contests or want them to be unpredictable. It's not because I'm trying to send a message. My vote goes to the character or thing, if character offends anyone that gave me the most joy throughout my life. L-Block wins.

Wow, who knew these people even existed (I guess tranny kinda is one). Hardcore Tetris fans are cool with me though... I mean I'll still curse the thing till the end of time, but I'll shake my fist a lot less at you than its other voters.

The people that really bug me are the people who still think it's the most hilarious thing ever or especially the ones voting to make a "statement" against Cloud/Seph for winning too much despite the fact that they haven't even won more contests than L <_<

But uh... GO RYU GO!
Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude.
Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Doubt people like you are even 20% of its votes though.
trannyscience | Posted 10/1/2008 3:45:24 PM | message detail
yeah, I like the Block because I love Tetris. you know how you made that Duck Hunt argument for The Dog? that's me with Tetris.

I don't see what's so bad about that Alucard picture. he always looks like some weird Amano drawing.
Lopen | Posted 10/1/2008 3:45:54 PM | message detail
I really like that Alucard actually.

Dammit my awesomely awesome Kratos did not make it, though, lame.
Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude.
Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe
_Hogger_ | Posted 10/1/2008 3:45:57 PM | message detail
Alucard looks like a girl there.
Bacon, please just give me purgatory already. MyWorldisCrono has already been suspended for 7 days, the length of purg.
Electroplankton | Posted 10/1/2008 3:46:38 PM | message detail
I just don't think he's recognizable. I shouldn't have made it...
(|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08)
. /|_|\
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/1/2008 3:46:49 PM | message detail
Honestly, if you'd show me that picture with no name, I wouldn't be able to identify him as Alucard. Just looks... different, and I've been here for every one of the guy's matches. Diddy looks awesome, though; I'm sensing a good performance from him.
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 10/1/2008 3:49:16 PM | message detail
I vote L-Block for laughs. It's even more hilarious the second time around, especially when it elevates my bracket over everyone else's!
SNES Reviews -
"[Wylvane]'s the type of guy we probably need more of around here to keep the place interesting." ~Smurf
TestIcicles | Posted 10/1/2008 3:50:06 PM | message detail
As much as brawlfear has disappointed, I'm starting to get pretty annoyed at myself for taking Alucard > Kratos. That's probably because I'm a DK fanboy though.

mmm test icicles
_Hogger_ | Posted 10/1/2008 3:51:16 PM | message detail
I got Diddy... but I'm worried that Kratos will take it. I wasn't thinking about SFF between Falcon and Diddy when making my bracket.
Bacon, please just give me purgatory already. MyWorldisCrono has already been suspended for 7 days, the length of purg.
Lopen | Posted 10/1/2008 3:53:13 PM | message detail
Probably should've sent another Kratos... I think my gradient is what screwed me... was too dark. It had to be dark though as I kinda butchered his hair <_<
Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude.
Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 10/1/2008 3:53:39 PM | message detail
I got Alucard > Falcon.

So much for a perfect Division 4!
SNES Reviews -
"[Wylvane]'s the type of guy we probably need more of around here to keep the place interesting." ~Smurf
Electroplankton | Posted 10/1/2008 3:53:44 PM | message detail
ugh, if Diddy/Alucard is close and Diddy pulls it off, I'm going to blame myself for making that pic.

ugh ugh ugh
(|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08)
. /|_|\
Lopen | Posted 10/1/2008 3:55:09 PM | message detail
I really doubt Diddy is going to be strong enough that Alucard will be in his sights. Kratos Aurion is the guy he needs to be looking at.
Master Chief's quest to defeat Cloud: Round 1 - Raiden/Kain/Other Dude.
Target: 48%. GAME FUEL. Believe
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/1/2008 3:55:11 PM | message detail
Even with that pic, if Diddy threatens Alucard, I'd much sooner blame Dracula Backwards for sucking entirely too much ass.
MegatokyoEd | Posted 10/1/2008 3:55:57 PM | message detail
That's pretty much the best picture Diddy could get. If he doesn't advance, he just sucks.
Demyx is better than Axel.
Malakuko | Posted 10/1/2008 3:56:09 PM | message detail
there's no way Diddy's getting near Alucard with the Captain in the match.
therealmnm | Posted 10/1/2008 3:59:04 PM | message detail
Even with that pic, if Diddy threatens Alucard, I'd much sooner blame Dracula Backwards for sucking entirely too much ass.

Because we know for a fact that Diddy can't have any strength himself?
Currently playing: GTAIV, SSBB, MP3, Apollo Justice, FFIVDS, Dracula X
red sox 777 | Posted 10/1/2008 4:04:53 PM | message detail
Alright, if Ryu wants to win this one, he has to stall L-Block now.....and we'll see if he has any hopes of a comeback after 8.
Evvivan: Character Battle VII --- Score: 46/52 --- T-18 (96 way)
Bracket: Ryu > L-Block --- Vote: Meta-Knight
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/1/2008 4:08:10 PM | message detail
Because we know for a fact that Diddy can't have any strength himself?

Actually, I wouldn't write off taking Diddy over Alucard in a 1v1; Alucard really has not been impressive these last few years. I think the fanbase split will really hamper the little guy, though.
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/1/2008 4:21:38 PM | message detail
That pic is horrible. Bad Alucard, bad Falcon, bad Kratos.

TestIcicles | Posted 10/1/2008 4:23:35 PM | message detail
I'd take Diddy > Alucard 1v1 and feel pretty good about it. Alucard hasn't done anything noteworthy in forever.

mmm test icicles
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 10/1/2008 4:27:57 PM | message detail
Bad Dracula backwards, bad Captain Falcon and bad Kratos. Bad, bad, bad. (in Falco voice) This is horrible...
Isaac and Princess Kumatora for SSB4! SSBB Mains: Zelda, Peach, Lucas, Ness
Now we must duel, like two gleaming banjos on a moonlit stoop! -Dimentio, SPM
Master Moltar | Posted 10/1/2008 4:32:03 PM | message detail
yeahhhhhhh that diddy pic is sex

Falcon and Kratos look good too

Moltar Status: augh
L-Block/Meta Knight/Ryu/The Dog - Bracket: Ryu > L-Block - Vote: Meta Knight (42/52)
Xuxon | Posted 10/1/2008 4:33:24 PM | message detail
falcon looks like a hunchback or something. kratos is okay i guess, not as bad as falcon or alucard anyway. diddy with the only good pic.
DQVIII LLG - level 1/6/10/19, before Captain Crow
Brawl FC: 0344-9611-6716
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/1/2008 4:35:00 PM | message detail
Diddy is gonna kick some ass tomorrow. Just you guys wait and see. He's not gonna pull a Midna or anything.
The Straight Up G
WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko
HaRRicH | Posted 10/1/2008 4:35:13 PM | message detail
I've got Alucard > Kratos, but after seeing what Falco did, I think Diddy may deserve more credit than I've given him so he scares me. I'm still taking Kratos because of Falcon and believing DK > Diddy, but if Falco's not too far from Fox then Diddy's probably not too far from DK.
NRT winners: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow, Star Fox 64, Donkey Kong Country 2
Remember these games!
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/1/2008 4:36:09 PM | message detail
BTW Diddy definitely wins the pic factor. The gangster pose > most
The Straight Up G
WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 10/1/2008 4:36:41 PM | message detail
Diddy with his best rape face.

Captain Falcon looks like a Rob Liefeld caricature.

Alucard is hot.
SNES Reviews -
"[Wylvane]'s the type of guy we probably need more of around here to keep the place interesting." ~Smurf
Justin_Crossing | Posted 10/1/2008 4:37:30 PM | message detail
I'm not happy.

Justin is not pleased.
Justin's CB Points: 42 | Points After this Round: 46
Today: Crono > Amaterasu | Tomorrow: Ryu > L Block
Lightning Strikes | Posted 10/1/2008 4:39:38 PM | message detail
Dammit, Diddy's making me nervous.

Falco did well, but he was the sole Nintendo character. Will Falcon hurt him enough? Or will he just turn out to be lol Lucario level? C'mon, Kratos...
The below statement is the most false thing in the world.
HaRRicH | Posted 10/1/2008 4:42:16 PM | message detail
I trust Diddy alone would beat Kratos by several percent now that I've seen Falco, but I have no idea how he'll handle SFF (I imagine well against CF) or LFF (the reason why most of us ever considered Kratos > Diddy).

Should be a fun one to watch.
NRT winners: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow, Star Fox 64, Donkey Kong Country 2
Remember these games!
HeroicTronBonne | Posted 10/1/2008 4:46:21 PM | message detail
Diddy is NOT, I repeat, NOT gonna be Lucario level. If that occurs I will have to shoot myself in the foot several times. Out of all the Brawl characters that were most likely to do poorly, Lucario was obviously in that category. I had Altair > Lucario and Niko > Altair for a long ass time. Considering Lucario is literally the only Brawl rep that has REALLY disappointed(You could argue Mario sure, but everyone else is either looking nice or just not really changing much at all) thus far, so the chances of Diddy disappointing aren't very high IMO.
The Straight Up G
WWEGSB Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko