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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 651

Yesmar | Posted 1/16/2009 4:45:06 PM | message detail
I would have to take FFX against Brawl, since I wouldn't expect it to struggle like this against MGS4. I don't think FFX is still at 2004 levels necessarily, though. Tidus and Auron dropped off noticeably in 2005, and Auron had to rely on KH2 to boost back up again. It's aged pretty well though, so who knows.
FastFalcon owned me in the Guru Contest!
MarioSuperstar | Posted 1/16/2009 4:48:08 PM | message detail
MGS vs Melee .. hm... I'd probably go Melee now but I wouldn't expect a blowout or anything.
*is Dranze*
Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket.
MarioSuperstar | Posted 1/16/2009 5:06:46 PM | message detail
so anybody think pictures would make a difference in this match at all? maybe even in voting trends?
*is Dranze*
Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket.
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/16/2009 5:10:31 PM | message detail
Pictures should matter a lot less to games than to characters, but sure, I can buy a lopsided picture changing a match like this. FFX/Melee lives on...!
turnturnturn your brain in
turnturnturn your brain in
ZFS | Posted 1/16/2009 5:11:24 PM | message detail
damn you nintendo cast vs. tidus

Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men!
red sox 777 | Posted 1/16/2009 7:18:36 PM | message detail
Who thinks MGS4 would be winning if we had a picture of a cardboard box against the Nintendo cast? I'm unsure about MGS vs. FFX, although I don't think I'll be taking either over Melee. SMB3/SSBM has been debated for years, and I've sided with Melee the past couple of years, particularly after that staggering series contest match with SMB, but it looks even to me again. Fortunately neither looks to be able to beat Chrono Trigger anymore, which was probably what I dreaded most about a Games Contest since 2006.
Link he come to town
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/16/2009 7:19:48 PM | message detail

From: ZFS | #105
damn you nintendo cast vs. tidus

best pic ever
ZFS | Posted 1/16/2009 7:22:03 PM | message detail
Well, I don't know about 'not being able to beat Chrono Trigger anymore.' You tend to overrate CT a ton - its probably dropped off even more than Melee or Mario 3 would have.

Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men!
red sox 777 | Posted 1/16/2009 7:24:51 PM | message detail
Well I'll admit that it could still happen, but I think CT should reasonably be the (decently heavy) favorite now after the Deboost and CTDS. If I could have looked past my bias in 2007 though, I'd have to have called both Mario 3 and Melee favorites over CT then!
Link he come to town
Mr3790 | Posted 1/16/2009 8:03:13 PM | message detail
Tag for when GotY is over.(Late to the thread.)
AC:WW Code: Name:Mr.378 Town:Darkcity FC: 4210-5769-8462
Gaddswell | Posted 1/16/2009 9:02:09 PM | message detail
How do you think the three major game consoles will do in 2009?

360-WII-PS3 - Microsoft will overtake Nintendo 18.69% 40
360-PS3-WII - The Wii fad will finally burn out 12.15% 26
PS3-360-WII - The exact opposite of 2008 14.02% 30
PS3-WII-360 - The PS3 will take off, beating everybody 3.74% 8
WII-360-PS3 - Same as 2008, no change at all 35.98% 77
WII-PS3-360 - Sony will pass Microsoft, but not Nintendo 15.42% 33

New poll!
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 1/16/2009 9:05:47 PM | message detail
And back to PS3 pessimism we go!
Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3 Fallout 3
transience | Posted 1/16/2009 10:09:54 PM | message detail
8k in a day, huh? that tells me that we'll be seeing newer games show up. Persona 4 seems likely, maybe Prince of Persia, who knows.
"I hope you are this idiot only in the internet ^__^" -linkhatesganon
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 1/16/2009 11:47:37 PM | message detail
5 minute update data for the 2008 Final GotY poll and the 2008 Final Final GotY poll: GotY Finals Updates.xls

Times listed are in PST because I forgot to change my clock to EST before collecting updates. You'll need to add 3 hours to the listed times to get the EST equivalent. Also the time listed is the time I collected the update which is not necessarily the time the update was put up on GameFAQs. First the first final, the time listed is up to 2 minutes later than the actual poll update. For the second final, the time listed is up to 1 minutes late. All 5 minute updates were collected.
Not even a spread of 105 points would allowed me to defeat FastFalcon05! Congrats on winning the Character Battle 7 Guru Contest!
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/16/2009 11:48:49 PM | message detail

From: transience | #113
8k in a day, huh? that tells me that we'll be seeing newer games show up. Persona 4 seems likely, maybe Prince of Persia, who knows.

after seeing prince of persia in the multi poll, I wouldn't bet on it
Mumei | Posted 1/17/2009 11:20:51 AM | message detail
... Wait, people were impressed by Super Smash Bros.' showing in the series contest?

It lost ~62 - 38. It lost by 30,000 votes.


I'm confused here.

"I believe that words uttered in passion contain a greater living truth than do those words which express thoughts rationally conceived" - Sensei
UltimaterializerX | Posted 1/17/2009 11:23:43 AM | message detail
Been going back and forth with Bacon in feedbacks for a little while now (HE CAN SPEAK HOLY ****), and here's one thing I know he won't mind my repeating:

Message From GameFAQs on 01/13/2009

The decision to combine games will be made as the bracket is designed. Rest assured, you won't see Pokemon Red vs Pokemon Blue in the finals or anything like that.

TurnTurnTurn your brain in. ~*ST*~
Now Playing: Mother 3, MGS: Portable Ops, Chrono Trigger, Mario Kart Wii
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 1/17/2009 11:25:07 AM | message detail
Rest assured, you won't see Pokemon Red vs Pokemon Blue in the finals or anything like that.

1v1 contest confirmed.
"feh... your right...I am the stalker" - ExThaNemesis
transience | Posted 1/17/2009 11:25:54 AM | message detail
pretty impressive, no?
"I hope you are this idiot only in the internet ^__^" -linkhatesganon
LeonhartFour | Posted 1/17/2009 11:30:53 AM | message detail

... Wait, people were impressed by Super Smash Bros.' showing in the series contest?

It lost ~62 - 38. It lost by 30,000 votes.


I'm confused here.

Considering that was about how FFVII/Melee went, seeing basically Melee get that much on the entire Mario Bros. series is pretty impressive. Not to mention, just about everyone was expecting SMB to SFF it into the ground.

I'm still not sure how it didn't.
FastFalcon is without a doubt the best Guru I've ever heard of, savvy?
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 1/17/2009 11:32:57 AM | message detail
I think I recall a few poor souls who were actually arguing that SSB would beat SMB!
"feh... your right...I am the stalker" - ExThaNemesis
LeonhartFour | Posted 1/17/2009 11:45:23 AM | message detail
Also, the poll broke 100,000 votes! Whoo-hoo! Good things are in store!
FastFalcon is without a doubt the best Guru I've ever heard of, savvy?
red sox 777 | Posted 1/17/2009 12:48:03 PM | message detail
Yeah, I still can't understand how SMB didn't manage to crush SSB with SFF. But that result became really shocking when SMB then put up 47% against Final Fantasy.....after that, it was no longer really possible to make the FFVII = Entire Mario Series argument.
Link he come to town
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/17/2009 12:52:02 PM | message detail
damnit 1v1s

oh well i guess it'll be boring till the final rounds (The only rounds where 1v1 is good at all)
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/17/2009 12:53:53 PM | message detail
damnit 1v1s

oh well i guess it'll be boring till the final rounds (The only rounds where 1v1 is good at all)

Has that been confirmed?
Good Times,
Great Memories
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/17/2009 12:54:29 PM | message detail

From: XxSoulxX | #125
damnit 1v1s

oh well i guess it'll be boring till the final rounds (The only rounds where 1v1 is good at all)

Has that been confirmed?

Been hinted at in a message Bacon sent to ulti
red sox 777 | Posted 1/17/2009 12:56:15 PM | message detail
The most boring 1v1 matches are still more interesting than about half of 4-way matches. I can't wait to see FFVII and OOT blow things out.
Link he come to town
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/17/2009 12:58:50 PM | message detail

From: red sox 777 | #127
The most boring 1v1 matches are still more interesting than about half of 4-way matches. I can't wait to see FFVII and OOT blow things out.


maybe for you

i got tired of 1v1 after 2004 and the contests didnt renew my interest till 2007
KamikazePotato | Posted 1/17/2009 12:59:16 PM | message detail
4-ways would suck horribly.

FastFalcon believed in Snake. I didn't.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/17/2009 1:01:21 PM | message detail
I mean I understand it from a pure "See how strong exactly" characters and games are

but it just isn't as fun to watch since 4ways have so many other factors that makes it more fun for me
HaRRicH | Posted 1/17/2009 1:19:05 PM | message detail
Four-ways are more exciting, one-on-ones are more legit. I enjoy both, but think legitimacy is generally better.
FastFalcon05 absolutely decimated me in the Guru challenge. How bad was it?
...I don't want to talk about it.
transience | Posted 1/17/2009 1:20:39 PM | message detail
one-on-ones are way more exciting but they're less commonly exciting. with fourways you can convince yourself that a battle for 15% of the vote is somehow noteworthy.
"I hope you are this idiot only in the internet ^__^" -linkhatesganon
Kazyan | Posted 1/17/2009 1:21:14 PM | message detail
4-ways for Character Battles, since those are mostly for sport.
1v1 for all other contests, since those are supposed to be legit.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/17/2009 1:24:38 PM | message detail

From: transience | #132
one-on-ones are way more exciting but they're less commonly exciting. with fourways you can convince yourself that a battle for 15% of the vote is somehow noteworthy.

This I can agree with, 1v1 can be exciting in late matches since games/characters are more evenly matched then. But 1v1 in early matches is basically like maybe 3-4 exciting matches at most in round 1, whereas 4way can make almost every match have some reason at least to be excited about
red sox 777 | Posted 1/17/2009 1:24:51 PM | message detail
Well, in 1v1s, you have to win to advance. In 4-ways, the most exciting contests are those for 2nd place.....this serves to reduce the overal excitement, I think.
Link he come to town
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/17/2009 1:26:11 PM | message detail
Like in 1v1, you can NEVER have a Link first round match be exciting, yet 4way did
LeonhartFour | Posted 1/17/2009 1:33:15 PM | message detail
And it had nothing to do with Link, and neither of those first round matches themselves was particularly exciting. The best of the best are 1-on-1 matches. The only benefit to 4-ways is unpredictability in the bracket (something this Games Contest will have in spades in 1-on-1 anyway), something that rarely executes well in the matches themselves. 2007 was sort of a perfect storm when it came to actually having good matches. 2008 had so few of them. Of course, part of 2008's problem was that Bacon didn't really seem to care too much about good bracket placement.

I'll admit that 2007 was a fun contest because it was new, but reused gimmicks are not fun. Gimmicks should never become staples.
FastFalcon is without a doubt the best Guru I've ever heard of, savvy?
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/17/2009 1:37:30 PM | message detail
I haven't seen anyone argue for 1v1 being exciting at all early on though which is my main problem with it. A fun contest should be enjoyable all the way through; not just final couple rounds. And yes, 1v1 shines there since we see whos truly strongest and all, but to get that, we have a dull contest early on, and I don't think thats worth it.
Ngamer64 | Posted 1/17/2009 1:39:37 PM | message detail
Never exciting early? Halo/StarCraft, chum.

--- says we just got owned hard by FastFalcon!
( & are neat)
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/17/2009 1:41:42 PM | message detail

From: Ngamer64 | #139
Never exciting early? Halo/StarCraft, chum.

as I said earlier, there can be 3-4 exciting matches in first round in 1v1, yet 4way has almost every match in first round have some excitement. But theres no exciement in those Link vs. whatever fodder in round 1 in 1v1... I often didn't even bother checking these contests in 2005 and 2006 till later rounds since first round was just so freaking boring
MarioSuperstar | Posted 1/17/2009 1:42:28 PM | message detail
you know close matches aren't exactly what makes a contest experience enjoyable 100%.

i like 1vs1 for their accuracy; not their predictability.
*is Dranze*
Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/17/2009 1:44:59 PM | message detail
Maybe its different for alot of you guys, But I prefer round 1 and round 2 over the later rounds in these contests. Later rounds we always have the usual contenders and we know Link will win in 1v1. But first 2 rounds we have alot more variety in characters and we can see how strong alot of different characters are and in 1v1 this kinda ruins it for me. Cuz like we can get a surprise mid carder in here but give him bad seeding and he's just blown out in round 1 (see Proto Man), but he might shine in 4ways.
red sox 777 | Posted 1/17/2009 1:45:34 PM | message detail
I'll have you know that Link vs. fodder if more exciting than the average match. That's how awesome a character Link is! Link and Cloud trying to one-up each other for several rounds is exciting!
Link he come to town
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/17/2009 1:46:43 PM | message detail

From: red sox 777 | #143
I'll have you know that Link vs. fodder if more exciting than the average match. That's how awesome a character Link is! Link and Cloud trying to one-up each other for several rounds is exciting!

If you seriously think a match I think isn't even worth watching is more exciting then a normal match, then we're on different pages here.
Ngamer64 | Posted 1/17/2009 1:48:15 PM | message detail
Hall of Fame 1v1 Matches from Round One












--- says we just got owned hard by FastFalcon!
( & are neat)
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 1/17/2009 1:49:22 PM | message detail

From: Ngamer64 | #145
Hall of Fame 1v1 Matches from Round One












So we have 11 matches here, and 7 contests.

My ratio of 3-4 good first round matches is even lower than I thought
RPGuy96 | Posted 1/17/2009 2:03:41 PM | message detail
For shame, NGamer, Squall/Luigi was round 2!

Other good 1v1 R1 matches - Kingdom Hearts/Soul Calibur, Pac-Man/Ocelot, Kuja/Master Hand, Ganondorf/Tidus, Diablo/Ridley, and, for the amount of argument generated, Vivi/DK, Vincent/Ganondorf, and Super Mario RPG/Street Fighter II come to mind.
Mustache...and Green...
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/17/2009 2:08:09 PM | message detail

Been hinted at in a message Bacon sent to ulti

Like that's credible.
Good Times,
Great Memories
Karma Hunter | Posted 1/17/2009 2:10:18 PM | message detail
Looks like some people are going to have to get over the only contest format worth watching making its spectacular return !!
turnturnturn your brain in
turnturnturn your brain in
MarioSuperstar | Posted 1/17/2009 2:18:12 PM | message detail
so everybody prefers mixed divisions right? i'm gonna miss some games..
*is Dranze*
Through fire, justice is served because FastFalcon05 owned my bracket.