GameFAQs Contests


Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 706

MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/7/2009 12:47:16 AM | message detail
3 straight cuts for bioshock
dragoontheguy | Posted 5/7/2009 1:11:11 AM | message detail
So how high does everyone think portals lead needs to get to avoid being steamrolled by the asv?
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/7/2009 1:21:20 AM | message detail
If anything gets "steamrolled" by Bioshock's ASV, it probably deserves to lose. In any case, given the rallying it would get if things are dicey at the end, I think Portal can hold out with a small lead. Things have been dead even since the Power Hour, which is a good sign for a game we thought would be as frontloaded as Portal.
I, like clockwork, have been humiliated by hochiminh
Hochiminh is better than me. I was a numbskull for thinking I could defy Him.
UltimaterializerX | Posted 5/7/2009 1:27:58 AM | message detail
Things have been dead even since the Power Hour

Increasing a lead by 600 is dead even?

Anyway, just going on Big Daddy and GlaDOS's trends, Portal should lose a percent or two while BioShock slowly gains until match's end. The problem as you said is the massive rallying Portal would get in a close match.
"You are the king of derailing topics, by the way." -Lucid
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 5/7/2009 1:32:39 AM | message detail
Oh well, I'm ready to back Mass Effect for the upset!
The n00b Avenger | Posted 5/7/2009 1:35:31 AM | message detail
I think he means that Portal's trends have been dead even(it's hasn't died any more from the 2nd to 5th hours
A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice.
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 5/7/2009 2:13:40 AM | message detail
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 5/7/2009 2:14:16 AM | message detail

best part
Smurf FAQs | Posted 5/7/2009 2:32:56 AM | message detail
Too late for you bioshock
(\__/) Meet Ziggy,the Evil Bunny who wants to take over the world and eat the flesh of the weak.
(='.'=] Put Ziggy in your sig to support his cause.
The n00b Avenger | Posted 5/7/2009 2:46:23 AM | message detail
Stuck at 1000 vote lead oh noes
A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice.
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 5/7/2009 2:50:13 AM | message detail
BioShock is one of the best games of this generation. It just CAN'T lose in round 1!!!

I look forward to predicting round 2.
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 5/7/2009 2:51:21 AM | message detail
haha fat chance
The n00b Avenger | Posted 5/7/2009 2:54:53 AM | message detail
A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice.
Karma Hunter | Posted 5/7/2009 2:57:31 AM | message detail
Anyway, this is a pretty good showing from MGS4. I still think that GotY final was an overperformance and that Brawl would handle it more easily in a setting like this one

If MGS4 maintained this percentage by the end of the match, I'd say it should be the favorite against SSBB all other things being equal. Scoring 42% on this competition seems a LOT better than Brawl's 47% on its. The only problem is I don't see any way it stays afloat with the day.
turnturnturn your brain in
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/7/2009 3:22:18 AM | message detail
I see why The Orange Box boosted Gordon and why Half-Life 2 is looked at with such high regard. The final hour of Episode 2 is a great game maker at the height of their craft. There's no way HL2 as a whole didn't increase from that.

*thumbs up*

dark keyblade master | Posted 5/7/2009 3:49:58 AM | message detail
Wow... I knew not to expect much taste at GameFAQs any more, but every vote for MGS4 is like a punch in the face to quality.
Playing: Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (16th time)
Mr3790 | Posted 5/7/2009 3:51:53 AM | message detail
Karma Hunter | Posted 5/7/2009 3:53:27 AM | message detail
Man this must be how Zelda fans feel in their blowout wins. I'm experiencing a sudden rush of empathy and kinship...

...whatever Zelda still sucks
turnturnturn your brain in
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/7/2009 3:55:46 AM | message detail
I wouldn't say BioShock's out of it yet. We've seen 1000 vote leads overcome in this format. I just don't know if it's going to start cutting Portal consistently before the ASV, and if it doesn't, it needs to at least stall until then. If it's within, say, 1500 votes, it can do this.

Of course, that's assuming it has a really good ASV and Portal drops off a good bit. It's not a given, but it's possible.
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/7/2009 3:57:15 AM | message detail
Also, watch out, here comes the LBP morning vote. Portal's really dying in percentage right now.
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 5/7/2009 4:43:45 AM | message detail
@Karma Hunter: It really depends on the vote totals. Don't worry, I'll provide those.
UltimaterializerX | Posted 5/7/2009 4:45:51 AM | message detail
1200 now, and LBP is going up in percentage. This might be completely over if it holds up for a couple hours.
"You are the king of derailing topics, by the way." -Lucid
Karma Hunter | Posted 5/7/2009 4:47:28 AM | message detail
Please tell me we're not still resorting to the votal metric. Has Luigi finally become this site's #1 character?
turnturnturn your brain in
red sox 777 | Posted 5/7/2009 5:41:43 AM | message detail
You know, a couple years back I always enjoyed it when people would post the lists of the all-time highest/lowest votals, biggest/smallest vote gaps, biggest blowouts/closest matches by percentage, etc. here in the stats topic, but now that people appear to be taking these things seriously as a good measure of strength, it's just annoying.
Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests.
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 5/7/2009 5:47:00 AM | message detail
We really don't have much else to rely on. Though I guess it is sort of weird that the top three vote totals in the contest belong to Mario 3, Mario 1, and Zelda 1.
The Mana Sword | Posted 5/7/2009 6:07:02 AM | message detail
Portal's got this.

And LBP's doing pretty bad here. Figured it would, but I was expecting it to put up a bit more of a fight than this.
--- work!
charmander6000 | Posted 5/7/2009 6:08:39 AM | message detail
I know I thought it would be at least pushing 15%
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS4 > LBP Points: 87/120
red sox 777 | Posted 5/7/2009 6:17:17 AM | message detail
We have tons of other stuff to rely on- namely percentages. Votals are less accurate than 2002 stats, and not that far ahead of old GOTY polls.
Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests.
The Mana Sword | Posted 5/7/2009 6:19:48 AM | message detail
No one who knows what they're talking about is relying on vote totals, just ignore it.
--- work!
charmander6000 | Posted 5/7/2009 6:28:13 AM | message detail
While the trend is that the game/character will drop in vote total/percent throughout each round, sometimes the previous round has a harder opponent/more stacked four-pack.
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS4 > LBP Points: 87/120
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/7/2009 7:34:19 AM | message detail
Portal has this. No reason to expect Bioshock of all things to be able to pull out a 1500-2000 vote comeback in the asv
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 5/7/2009 7:51:21 AM | message detail
Portal has this. No reason to expect Bioshock of all things to be able to pull out a 1500-2000 vote comeback in the asv

Yeah. Only Axel and Sandbag were able to do such a thing, and even then, it was against Frog and Magus - characters whose day votes are just plain awful.
"Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/7/2009 8:43:23 AM | message detail

Gotta love Turtle thinking Bioshock was the winner 20 minutes in
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 5/7/2009 9:01:12 AM | message detail
Gotta love Turtle thinking Bioshock was the winner 20 minutes in

First Axfail Steel, now BioSuck.
"Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia
ChronicBoom | Posted 5/7/2009 9:02:44 AM | message detail
is bt seriously gloating about always being right when he's ranked 179 out of 216 gurus?

jesus wow

He who shall not be named.
Wii_TuRtLe | Posted 5/7/2009 9:41:54 AM | message detail
When I'm sure of something, I'm right more often than not.

So much of this bracket has been guesswork, but CoD > Galaxy and Brawl > Galaxy were 2 of the things I was absolutely sure of.

And it seems as though Portal held up a lot better than Glados/Cube after the first hour.

I've already said that Portal had a very real shot of taking the cake here.
The Mana Sword | Posted 5/7/2009 9:44:06 AM | message detail
I've already said that Portal had a very real shot of taking the cake here.

--- work!
HaRRicH | Posted 5/7/2009 9:59:18 AM | message detail
Dammit, I forgot you had alts.

Portal wins, now it's just a matter of guessing how it holds up to the likes of FO3 and Halo 3. I'm interested to see if it can upset Halo 3!
Shorthand, do you speak it?!
The Mana Sword | Posted 5/7/2009 10:00:15 AM | message detail
*Fallout 3 and Left 4 Dead
--- work!
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/7/2009 10:00:56 AM | message detail
Fallout 3 getting 45% tomorrow
HaRRicH | Posted 5/7/2009 10:01:04 AM | message detail
Hey, whichever!
Shorthand, do you speak it?!
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/7/2009 10:56:25 AM | message detail
bioshock doing so well with the day vote is never a good sign for its ASV
The n00b Avenger | Posted 5/7/2009 10:59:54 AM | message detail
It managed to keep it to 1500. That means it can technically come back if it goes Halo on its ass!

... >_>
A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice.
Karma Hunter | Posted 5/7/2009 11:05:29 AM | message detail
Fallout 3 is going to have to really kill that poll tomorrow for me to seriously entertain it beating MGS4 outside of the 10% or so chance I'm already giving it. Not only is it going up against three games that at least tangentially share its genre (Halo 3 & L4D for FPS, Mass Effect for WRPG) that it's liable to smash more than something more independent, it's currently the #1 FAQ on the site. It has literally no reason not to look its best tomorrow.
turnturnturn your brain in
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/7/2009 11:09:00 AM | message detail
Predicting a percentage for tonight's match is going to be a real pain in the ass.
I, like clockwork, have been humiliated by hochiminh
Hochiminh is better than me. I was a numbskull for thinking I could defy Him.
deadeyedllv | Posted 5/7/2009 11:15:15 AM | message detail
So how does everybody rank the likelihood of moving on of the games we've seen so far in this division? I'd have to say SSBB>>>CoD4>MGS4>>Galaxy>>Portal.
You can't run away from trouble, there ain't no place that far.
Wii_TuRtLe | Posted 5/7/2009 11:38:08 AM | message detail
Brawl > CoD > MGS4 > Fallout

Though it's hard to say definitively between CoD and MGS4. CoD impressed me while MGS4 is doing pretty expected.
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/7/2009 11:47:55 AM | message detail
BioShock isn't COMPLETELY dead yet, but if it doesn't start moving soon, I'll concede.
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/7/2009 11:51:02 AM | message detail
Also, looks like MGS4 is holding up just fine with the day vote. Wonder what makes MGS1 suck so badly with it?
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/7/2009 12:01:37 PM | message detail
Also, looks like MGS4 is holding up just fine with the day vote. Wonder what makes MGS1 suck so badly with it?

Pokemon with the Pokey and the Mon and the thing with the thing and the argh agh agh ah
I, like clockwork, have been humiliated by hochiminh
Hochiminh is better than me. I was a numbskull for thinking I could defy Him.