GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 850

vcharon | Posted 2/26/2010 1:13:22 AM | message detail
Well "face of" was probably a bad phrase to throw out. Looking over the bracket, I see no character created by a western company that can match Sub-Zero at this point. He's not exactly a face of anything obviously, since he's only half of the face of MK (and not really the actual favorite of the people who make the game). Still, by definition, I think it's clear he has to be the favorite at this point. There's no way I would take Kratos to beat him.

But yeah, MC is pretty much done. I revert back to my original point that western games just don't have characters the player base cares about very much these days.
MoogleKupo141 | Posted 2/26/2010 1:15:04 AM | message detail
Cube <_<?

Didn't do well enough against The Boss for me to take it over the Chief or Kratos or Subby or Gordon or Shepard (probably)... maybe Altair.
For your health. This is my Chocomander, KrahenProphet
Japago | Posted 2/26/2010 1:24:21 AM | message detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
Japago | Posted 2/26/2010 1:26:33 AM | message detail
I would take him over Shepard in later contests. Shepard beat fodder and is probably experiencing a mini-Master Chief 07 boost where he's doing better because his game just came out.

-Heals severely dry skin -18 hour moisturization -Fragrance free -With Vitamin E
ShatteredElysium | Posted 2/26/2010 2:51:12 AM | message detail
Is Ratchet projected to start taking % back at some point in this match? Not sure on his vote patterns.
Oracle Challenge 2k10 ~~~ Individual: 5th ~~~ Team: 5th (Partner BZer0)
vcharon | Posted 2/26/2010 2:56:55 AM | message detail
I assume during the morning he might, but I'm not really sure about Ratchet trends.
ShatteredElysium | Posted 2/26/2010 3:10:26 AM | message detail
Well one more similar update and I guess that will answer that.
Oracle Challenge 2k10 ~~~ Individual: 5th ~~~ Team: 5th (Partner BZer0)
ShatteredElysium | Posted 2/26/2010 3:10:55 AM | message detail
Actually, that was 3 anyway.
Oracle Challenge 2k10 ~~~ Individual: 5th ~~~ Team: 5th (Partner BZer0)
Japago | Posted 2/26/2010 3:42:51 AM | message detail
There's your answer. Ratchet used 6-12PM to make up ~1.7% on Dante in 04. I don't know most of the trends though in these contests.

-Heals severely dry skin -18 hour moisturization -Fragrance free -With Vitamin E
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 2/26/2010 3:56:50 AM | message detail
Really low percentage for the previous match.I guess most people had Tidus winning.I also have.And today the prediction for this match will be low too.
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 2/26/2010 4:00:28 AM | message detail
Also Jecht is a 14 seed but he goes to round 3.First time such a thing happens?
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 2/26/2010 4:01:52 AM | message detail
I decided not to joke vote for Gordon Freeman, so my vote goes to Cloud's Best Friend (TM).

Also Cloud's pic looks somewhat unrecognizable to me. I don't usually see side shots of him however, and his hair just dominates his side of the pic. Reply please?
ShatteredElysium | Posted 2/26/2010 4:06:45 AM | message detail
I think the furthest a 14 seed has gone before was the second round. Least I think Tina is the only previous 14 seed to progress from round 1.
Oracle Challenge 2k10 ~~~ Individual: 5th ~~~ Team: 5th (Partner BZer0)
ShatteredElysium | Posted 2/26/2010 4:07:59 AM | message detail
Well Big Daddy is a 14 seed too this year but I meant prior to this contest.
Oracle Challenge 2k10 ~~~ Individual: 5th ~~~ Team: 5th (Partner BZer0)
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 2/26/2010 4:10:56 AM | message detail
If Big Daddy does that too,it would be awesome.2 14 seeds to round 3?Nice!
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
voltch | Posted 2/26/2010 4:13:08 AM | message detail
where do yo get your 14 seeds from in an 8 man div?
Shakes Fist!
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 2/26/2010 4:16:26 AM | message detail
It's hilarious that Tina Armstrong is the only 14 seed to advance to round 2 prior to this contest.

Tina > Peach? Wait no, the x-stats say that 2006 Gordon breaks 70% on Tina! Holy crap!
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 2/26/2010 4:33:40 AM | message detail
Man I looked some posts and yeah it seems people don't like Western characters here.I mean look Ezio and Drake,they are in games that came out in 2009,got really good sales,got GOTY awards but Drake lost to round 1 and Ezio loses to round 2!I don't understand,I mean is it because Japanese characters are older that are supported that much?
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
voltch | Posted 2/26/2010 4:35:53 AM | message detail
The most surprising thing is the fact that these guys continue to bomb on an american site AND, their games dominate the Gamefaqs Goty. After relatively lackluster showings from say NSMBwii and Spirit Tracks you'd be tempted to think of a small decline but NOOOO.
Shakes Fist!
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 2/26/2010 4:37:43 AM | message detail
True.I guess people only care about the games,not characters?
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
vcharon | Posted 2/26/2010 4:41:21 AM | message detail
Today's gamers have a short attention span. If the main character was some random object or something it'd be a smash hit.
Fauxtomaton | Posted 2/26/2010 4:42:45 AM | message detail
their games dominate the Gamefaqs Goty.
To be fair, GotY 2009 isn't really a title worthy of respect.
Japago | Posted 2/26/2010 4:56:55 AM | message detail
In relation to this contest, if gaming is shifting towards the West and people don't care about Western characters, where are we going to get strong, new characters? I know East gaming isn't gonna completely go away, but man. The thought of having no new good characters is kinda sad. I mean, it's cool seeing old but new-to-the-contest characters, but I think those will run out eventually.

-Heals severely dry skin -18 hour moisturization -Fragrance free -With Vitamin E
Fauxtomaton | Posted 2/26/2010 5:02:17 AM | message detail
if gaming is shifting towards the West
While the west has certainly had more of the focus for this generation, I think it's too soon to call it. The industry isn't exactly at its healthiest right now (rather poor economy + absurdly high dev costs), and it's sort of difficult to draw conclusions from an unstable market.
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/26/2010 5:04:18 AM | message detail
Nice morning vote for Ratchet.
"But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside."
"I am lightning...the rain transformed."
ToadYoshi | Posted 2/26/2010 5:06:56 AM | message detail
Chief let a mid to high midcarder put up 52.5% on him during the afternoon on a weekday. Ryu Hayabusa isn't a stellar character. He is a good character, worth anywhere from 100% to 50% of Zero/Vivi based on how much you trust LOL 4 Ways and certain matches. He is proof that you don't need a ton of actual strength to beat Master Flop.

The other thing is that MC is not very transitive. Those who would vote Ryu H over him are more likely to vote for anyone else over him and MC voters are likely to prefer MC to anyone. This is bad for you if you don't actually have 50% of the fans. I'd take Cube over MC. The same 45% or so would vote for MC (although this number seems to be Chief), and the same 55% would vote for the character with taste.

The potentially fantastic thing is that this tailspin might continue. If he drops at a fairly constant rate, his failure combined with others' boosting (or at least remaining constant) could put him under an incredible number of characters. Altair/Ike/Zidane > MC 2011. Ratchet/The Boss > MC 2012. Spy/Prinny > MC 2013. The fact that there's even a remote chance we might see Prinny surpass MC in a few years is a great thing.
Guru contest: 90/98 (T4) Misses: Boss, Altair, Kefka, Glitch, Ryu, Zard
Next upset: Big Daddy > Ness
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 2/26/2010 5:41:44 AM | message detail
Lame common enemies from a crappy obscure series beating The Chief is never a good thing.

Even if Bungie leaves, someone will step up to keep Halo going. No way Microsoft lets their biggest cash cow get sent to the slaughterhouse.
"Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" - trancer1
vcharon | Posted 2/26/2010 5:51:56 AM | message detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
vcharon | Posted 2/26/2010 5:52:26 AM | message detail
How exactly does anyone voting for WCC have any taste? That's the sort of blind Master Chief hate that's sickening and pathetic... just because he fronts Halo doesn't make him the devil. He's actually a character you know, unlike some things that you refer to as "character with taste". Could Chief lose to WCC? Sure, but it would have absolutely nothing to do with "taste" and as a voter for Ryu Hayabusa, Sub-Zero and Frog in the past I assure you wholeheartedly I would vote MC in that match.
BeingSarcastic | Posted 2/26/2010 6:04:48 AM | message detail
As you are someone who has clearly played Portal charon, I have judged your opinion to be 100% reliable and accurate and

From: vcharon | #429
absolutely nothing to do with "taste"
Everything I have said and everything I ever will say should be taken as nothing but the deepest held opinion in my heart.
vcharon | Posted 2/26/2010 6:10:47 AM | message detail
*claps slowly*

This isn't a game contest. If it was, then I would probably vote for Portal. Halo, as a series, just isn't my type of game. Master Chief is a better option than something that isn't a character.
charmander6000 | Posted 2/26/2010 7:07:16 AM | message detail
Match LXXXIV: (10) Zelda vs. (2) Ezio Auditore da Firenze

Last Round

Travis Touchdown – 29.33%
Zelda – 70.67%

Ezio Auditore da Firenze – 59.71%
Simon Belmont – 40.29%


Continuing the 2 seed curse in this contest our fifth 2 seed will fail to reach the third round. This was however widely accepted pre-contest since Zelda is a contest powerhouse and while Ezio is a new character there is only so much people will believe Assassin’s Creed II will do for the guy. After the first round things looked even worse for Ezio has he only performed slightly better on Simon than Altair did on Liquid Snake.

While it was laughed at earlier there is a chance that Chrono Trigger and Castlevania have some kind of relationship. Simon’s only two matches before this contest had Crono in the poll yet he performed rather well in the vote-in and this contest. Alucard was crushed by Crono last contest, though that was an L-Block match and he did defeat Magus by a lot worse than expected. The best comparison is Symphony of the Night in the last games contest. The game got crushed by a lot more than expected in round 2 when Chrono Trigger was added when one should expect it to perform better when removing Resident Evil, a fellow Playstation game.

Zelda and Simon were in the same division in 2007 and using the magic of x-stats Zelda is expected to triple Ezio. I’m not ready to call Ezio weaker than Travis, I feel confident that Castlevania is affected by Chrono Trigger or at the very least the Simon that we know now is nothing like the Simon that we knew in 2002 and 2007. Zelda shouldn’t have a problem winning, but anyone expecting Ezio to perform worse than Travis Touchdown is out of their minds.

charmander6000’s Bracket: Zelda > Ezio Auditore da Firenze

charmander6000’s Prediction: Zelda wins, 62.73% - 37.27%

Board 8 BOP:
Character Battle VIII - 79/100 - Today's Winners: Jecht and Zelda
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 2/26/2010 7:39:14 AM | message detail
Maybe people will view the match as medieval princess vs. renaissance thief?
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/26/2010 7:46:28 AM | message detail
What Western characters have been impressive, anyway? Sub-Zero? Vault Boy? Price? Jury's still out on Shepard and Big Daddy.
Not Wylvane
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/26/2010 7:48:49 AM | message detail
Also: If Missingno made it into a contest before 2007, like 2004 or so, would it be nearly as strong as it is now?

Seriously doubt it'd be much higher than fodder level.
Not Wylvane
XxSoulxX | Posted 2/26/2010 7:49:37 AM | message detail
Man I looked some posts and yeah it seems people don't like Western characters here.I mean look Ezio and Drake,they are in games that came out in 2009,got really good sales,got GOTY awards but Drake lost to round 1 and Ezio loses to round 2!I don't understand,I mean is it because Japanese characters are older that are supported that much?

That's exactly it.

The number one reason why a character has strength has nothing to do with how cool that character is or how amazing their game is. The reason is nostalgia. All these Western characters are pretty new to gaming as of this moment, so they don't have that factor yet. It's keeping them below all these characters who starred in games a decade ago.

If Drake/Altair/Ezio/whoever keeps making high profile games, then in 5-6 years, they could be really strong here. Until that time, they'll be midcarders or lower.
Good Times,
Great Memories
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 2/26/2010 8:00:29 AM | message detail
Well Master Chief is quite iconic and maybe nostalgic for some, and he's not exactly strong here. He seems to be a good bet for #1 Western character at the moment, however, though I may have been forgetting somebody...oh right, Sub-Zero may still be stronger than him. Blah.
XxSoulxX | Posted 2/26/2010 8:02:14 AM | message detail
Master Chief is also universally hated, so you can't count him.
Calling Pokemon RBY a top 10 game was the most insane contest jibba-jabba ever
Woe unto he who sig bets with the near-invincible Lord High creativename
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/26/2010 8:04:10 AM | message detail
What would Sub-Zero get on Leon, for the record?
Not Wylvane
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/26/2010 8:05:26 AM | message detail

From: Not_Wylvane | #439
What would Sub-Zero get on Leon, for the record?

Based on last year's stats? 42.95%

But Leon Kennedy's number is inflated due to being directly connected to Kirby.
"I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now."
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 2/26/2010 8:07:40 AM | message detail
Gordon Freeman's original classic game came in '98, and he's been a midcarder at best in these things.

Western gaming has a lot of great characters. You can tell by similar polls on GameSpy/GameSpot/etc that are very popular with a large section of gaming. Unfortunately, GameFAQs' main audience tends to lean towards the fanbase of Japanese characters, and thats probably the way its always gonna be :/
Currently NOT on the CBVIII Leaderboard v_v
Dante > Cloud: ITS HAPPENING
charmander6000 | Posted 2/26/2010 8:07:42 AM | message detail
I would say the two would have a decent match, provided Leon didn't boost from not being in RE5.
Board 8 BOP:
Character Battle VIII - 79/100 - Today's Winners: Jecht and Zelda
Kotetsu534 | Posted 2/26/2010 8:08:29 AM | message detail
Vault Boy for strongest western character here we go!

Currently Playing: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Ocarina of Time, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
UltimaterializerX | Posted 2/26/2010 8:08:45 AM | message detail

From: vcharon | #429
How exactly does anyone voting for WCC have any taste? That's the sort of blind Master Chief hate that's sickening and pathetic... just because he fronts Halo doesn't make him the devil. He's actually a character you know, unlike some things that you refer to as "character with taste". Could Chief lose to WCC? Sure, but it would have absolutely nothing to do with "taste" and as a voter for Ryu Hayabusa, Sub-Zero and Frog in the past I assure you wholeheartedly I would vote MC in that match.

I see you're on yet another whining kick.

Vault Boy is not a joke character, people who like Cube have plenty of taste, go use No More Tears shampoo, etc etc etc. Or cry more, whatever, blah blah blah. Grow up.
"There are no fingerprints deep under water, nothing to tie one to a crime
And if you seek vengeance, all you need are instruments of pain." -Dethklok
charmander6000 | Posted 2/26/2010 8:09:27 AM | message detail
The main problem of western companies is that there are no large scale series, a company makes a game, maybe a sequel then moves on to another style of game.
Board 8 BOP:
Character Battle VIII - 79/100 - Today's Winners: Jecht and Zelda
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/26/2010 8:09:49 AM | message detail
So Sub-Zero's pretty much the strongest Western character we have barring Shepard being equal to Pikachu or something crazy like that.

Vault Boy may be second strongest though!
Not Wylvane
UltimaterializerX | Posted 2/26/2010 8:10:49 AM | message detail

From: Not_Wylvane | #446
Vault Boy may be second strongest though!

You mean that guy who clearly isn't a joke character, dominating the Fallout series? Yeah he's pretty beastly.
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 2/26/2010 8:12:16 AM | message detail
Jecht 56.32%

Ratchet 43.68%


Little late but hey
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
UltimaterializerX | Posted 2/26/2010 8:14:31 AM | message detail
Ratchet with a good showing this contest. Where's the wiki page for characters that have never won a match?
"You are the king of derailing topics." -Lucid
UltimaterializerX | Posted 2/26/2010 8:16:33 AM | message detail
Oh and whoever keeps going and fixing PCA typos on the wiki pages, thank you so much!
I've been burned so bad, but I still play with fire.
Sometimes naked truth is what I don't believe in.