LeonhartFour posted...
are you guys excited about Mass Effect 3 being top 5 in the final X-Stats

I know I am!

I thought that was Steiner's #1 goal!

Change of heart?
Steiner posted...
KamikazePotato posted...
Pokemon would crush Sonic even worse with tumblr, I think.

are you kidding me

tumblr has the single most disproportionate love for sonic out of all the things it weirdly loves that it has no right to

If Tumblr pushes Sonic 2 over Pokemon I will forgive them for everything

I will gladly welcome our new Tumblr overlords
TyranoTom posted...
Quick start a rally on pornhub

I legit thought about how to rally on Grindr.
"What's the matter with bootblacking? We both like it very much!"
This is Yesmar. Congrats to CBIX Guru Winner *Raytan*!
Zylothewolf posted...
Heh I would never have heard of either if it wasn't for these contests. :P

Video game companies don't care about you, so stop kissing their asses
LinkMarioSamus posted...
FFVIII is at least doing well to avoid being doubled. That match looks the least affected by tumblr nonsense too.


mario world has kind of been taking off like a rocket

it probably is going to end up doubling
pssssssssssst - http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/568795-soccer-challenge
(edited 11/23/2015 12:11:58 PM)report
POOTERSS posted...

Rally for Fallout 3 to save the contest! 26 upvotes so far!

I think its been spotted by those who shall not be named. All its getting is downvotes now
Yeah, Mario World is pulling in 70%+ updates with regularity now.

It'll almost certainly get to the doubling at this rate.
LeonhartFour posted...
If Tumblr pushes Sonic 2 over Pokemon I will forgive them for everything

I will gladly welcome our new Tumblr overlords

you already got burned by thinking FFVIII would get boosted

maybe don't turn to a force you don't fully understand
Man that bishie Squall is sure helping ff8!

Glad I had maRio world doubling ff8.
Cranky's Advice - "git gud"
Oh yea, I guess raytan won.
A reminder of Draven strength from last contest, the first two hours in the Draven/MMX/Ryu match
Just look at the lead change between 00:25 and 00:35
Undertale is nothing compared to that..but yet, we an ever lower votals we have now..I am still worried
3DS FC : 3411-1762-0066
So I checked out for the last 5 hours and kind of feel like I should check out for like... the next 500. >_>

I guess there's a completely pyrrhic victory for me in the sense that I was on the side that said this could happen when yet again there was a contingent saying it couldn't. >_>
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
1337gamerpr0 posted...
you already got burned by thinking FFVIII would get boosted

maybe don't turn to a force you don't fully understand

I honestly had no expectations for FFVIII getting any significant help and I don't have any expectations Sonic 2 will get anything other than doubled

(I was being facetious)

(Well, kind of. If that actually happened, that would be my reaction, but I know it won't)
Magmortar75 posted...
LinkMarioSamus posted...
FFVIII is at least doing well to avoid being doubled. That match looks the least affected by tumblr nonsense too.


mario world has kind of been taking off like a rocket

it probably is going to end up doubling

I dunno last time I checked the match hours ago Mario was at 62%. I guess an increase of 3% in the time in question is not natural, well there's a reason I said least affected.
"Nothing I could do!"
Nanis23 posted...
A reminder of Draven strength from last contest, the first two hours in the Draven/MMX/Ryu match
Just look at the lead change between 00:25 and 00:35
Undertale is nothing compared to that..but yet, we an ever lower votals we have now..I am still worried

This was a weird fluke though.
Draven never approached this level in any other matches (except against Snake when the reddit mods put a banner for the contest).
Someone needs to literally call Bethesda and have them make a tweet or something
Honestly, Sonic 2/Uncharted 2 is probably the least affected match right now! Sonic 2 is going up but not at the crazy rate the other three are.
Almost at 45%.

I wonder if this'll spillover like the last time? Persona 4 > TP? Just kidding, of course.
3DS FC: 1805-2178-2522 NNID: Scarlettail
I legitimately picked Undertale over me3 at first but realized how crazy that was.

But then crazy became normal.
"This is all we have... when we die.."
If this match means ME3 > Fallout 3 then I feel all the better for taking ME2 to the semi-finals!
Cranky's Advice - "git gud"
Oh yea, I guess raytan won.
Scarlettail posted...
Almost at 45%.

I wonder if this'll spillover like the last time? Persona 4 > TP? Just kidding, of course.

Oh, it'll definitely spill over, which is probably good news for Persona 4. It might be able to pull a Skyrim/PW-esque board vote. I doubt it matters for the other matches.
Scarlettail posted...
Almost at 45%.

I wonder if this'll spillover like the last time? Persona 4 > TP? Just kidding, of course.

If it puts Goldeneye over Skyrim then I guess at least something positive will come from this.
Scarlettail posted...
Almost at 45%.

I wonder if this'll spillover like the last time? Persona 4 > TP? Just kidding, of course.

If Persona beats Zelda i will not give a flying f*** what happens the rest of the contest because it'll be the greatest day ever
I felt like the set of matches after the Undertale rally last round ended up looking fairly normal other than Skyrim underperforming (even then it only did like 5% worse than GSC was projected to do going by simple extrapolation from GOTD).
"Nothing I could do!"
I think both Zelda and Persona stand to gain from tumblr. Persona has a bit of an edge, but not enough to beat Twilight Princess.
Video game companies don't care about you, so stop kissing their asses
Re: the guy saying there were one of us on tumblr, that was me. I actually had no idea gamefaqs had revived contests until I saw the rallies on tumblr. It's good to be back~
Averia posted...
Nanis23 posted...
A reminder of Draven strength from last contest, the first two hours in the Draven/MMX/Ryu match
Just look at the lead change between 00:25 and 00:35
Undertale is nothing compared to that..but yet, we an ever lower votals we have now..I am still worried

This was a weird fluke though.
Draven never approached this level in any other matches (except against Snake when the reddit mods put a banner for the contest).

Its been confirmed that Draven's round 2 performance was boosted through cheating.
Cranky's Advice - "git gud"
Oh yea, I guess raytan won.
well it'll be a decent test to see what Tumblr thinks of a second tier Zelda at least...!
Well over 45% now.
3DS FC: 1805-2178-2522 NNID: Scarlettail
Averia posted...
Nanis23 posted...
A reminder of Draven strength from last contest, the first two hours in the Draven/MMX/Ryu match
Just look at the lead change between 00:25 and 00:35
Undertale is nothing compared to that..but yet, we an ever lower votals we have now..I am still worried

This was a weird fluke though.
Draven never approached this level in any other matches (except against Snake when the reddit mods put a banner for the contest).

I remember this happened, I was there
But I forgot just how big the updates were

Man I miss that contest
3DS FC : 3411-1762-0066
LeonhartFour posted...
well it'll be a decent test to see what Tumblr thinks of a second tier Zelda at least...!

It has "Princess" in the title so is probably right up Tumblrs alley
you guys really gambling on tumblr helping against Zelda?

TyranoTom posted...
Scarlettail posted...
Almost at 45%.

I wonder if this'll spillover like the last time? Persona 4 > TP? Just kidding, of course.

If it puts Goldeneye over Skyrim then I guess at least something positive will come from this.

My GOD, no!
Wild raytan appeared! He chose Samus > Mario. It's... super effective?
Undertale has cut off 1757 votes in the last hour. At that rate, it'll have the lead in about 2.5 hours.

Which would be approximately the time the rally kicked into gear last round. Undertale will have 7 hours to bury Fallout 3 and bury it shall.
might be some spikes
^ the cream of Sonic fanboyism.
Looks like Pokemon will go for 60%, man this rally
When Allen said that this going is going to have multiple matches at the same time, I wonder if anyone expected something like this, that a rally for one game might help another game in such a big way
3DS FC : 3411-1762-0066
This is why we can't have nice things
Skyrim actually did slightly better against Phoenix Wright than the GOTD stats project Mario Galaxy to do.

Imagine everyone's reaction to Mario Galaxy failing to double Phoenix Wright. Except that might be an SFF match, so...imagine reactions to Halo failing to double Phoenix Wright. Would probably be not out of the ordinary though.
"Nothing I could do!"
(edited 11/23/2015 12:25:48 PM)report
TheOneAboveAll posted...
The demographic is confusing me, though. Why are Tumblr Undertale fans supporting Sonic 2 so strongly?

Tumblr demographic likes old school aesthetics, even if they're young. Lots of overlap between Undertale and 16-bit platformer/JRPG crowd.
Nanis23 posted...
GameFAQs suddenly has more visitors and there is an increase of non-rallied votes (the only way this happens is if we will have a site banner like last contest, but I don't think it helped back then)

I am expecting a site alert to be used for the final 3 days of the contest. And while the site alert did not appear to boost vote totals during the last contest, there was a very good reason why. During the last contest, the site alert didn't appear at the top of any plain text FAQ page and since the majority of all FAQs are plain text FAQs, that means most people wouldn't have seen the site alert if they landed on a plain text FAQ from Google. This issue has been fixed, because all plain text FAQs have the same site header and footer that you see on every other page on this site.

And I personally confirmed the yellow site alert led to a dramatic boost in the number of people signing up for accounts to fill out a bracket. There was about a 70% boost in the number of accounts created because of the site alert. It's also much easier to vote in a match than it is to sign up for an account and then fill out a bracket, so I expect vote totals to increase by more than 70%.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as raytan7585, Guru Champ!

Was really pulling for Fallout 3 since I love Bethesda games (and god damn am I loving Fallout 4), but watching Undertale becoming a contender to win it all is pretty cool to see. I don't know, it's really cool seeing this small indie game kicking some ass, especially since it's the newest game in a bracket where older games are dominating. I definitely hope to give it a whirl at some point.

It doesn't even have the "f*** GameFAQs" air that Draven and L-Block kinda did (though a lot of their strength was large enthusiasm for LoL/a funny joke character). This is an underdog pulling off one hell of an upset in this contest, and it's f***ing awesome watching such a small game do so damn well. I hope Undertale wins it all at this rate, and for once not just to piss off the whiners on this board (though that's a bonus).

I only wish we got to see Fallout 3 in a better spot since it seems like it could've gone on a tear and lived up to its GotD performance. It did damn well in its GotY poll and likely held up better strength-wise than Brawl and MGS4 did when GotD hit, and now it had FO4 behind it. I think it would've done fantastic if not for the Undertale rally, but oh well. Maybe next time!
Current Let's Play: Final Fantasy IX - http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3729662
Previous: http://lparchive.org/author/mega64
So it looks like Goldeneye is going to 60-40 Skyrim if you take the GOTD x-stats completely seriously. LOL Skyrim, that's not a lot of room for Skyrim to somehow make up.
"Nothing I could do!"
Hey guys, remember when Pikachu saved us from L-Block 2.0? And then Charizard saved us from L-Block 3.0? And then Mewtwo went insane and put up a decent fight against Daaven while Sephiroth got destroyed?

Always pray to the PokeGods. Even Undertale's fanbase will tremble against the PokeFEAR.
Hi! I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!
the best scenario would be if FFVII somehow beat Undertale

because that would be the biggest miracle of all
Not_Wylvane posted...

Was really pulling for Fallout 3 since I love Bethesda games (and god damn am I loving Fallout 4), but watching Undertale becoming a contender to win it all is pretty cool to see. I don't know, it's really cool seeing this small indie game kicking some ass, especially since it's the newest game in a bracket where older games are dominating. I definitely hope to give it a whirl at some point.

It doesn't even have the "f*** GameFAQs" air that Draven and L-Block kinda did (though a lot of their strength was large enthusiasm for LoL/a funny joke character). This is an underdog pulling off one hell of an upset in this contest, and it's f***ing awesome watching such a small game do so damn well. I hope Undertale wins it all at this rate, and for once not just to piss off the whiners on this board (though that's a bonus).

I only wish we got to see Fallout 3 in a better spot since it seems like it could've gone on a tear and lived up to its GotD performance. It did damn well in its GotY poll and likely held up better strength-wise than Brawl and MGS4 did when GotD hit, and now it had FO4 behind it. I think it would've done fantastic if not for the Undertale rally, but oh well. Maybe next time!

I also see it this way. Unlike Draven, this feels like an underdog beating the odds. A small, 2015 indie PC game is like everything Gamefaqs isn't. It's also actually a good game.

I dunno if I'd vote for it over Mario World, but this offers some excitement.
3DS FC: 1805-2178-2522 NNID: Scarlettail
I have to admit, Pokemon becoming the savior again would be... quite the narrative reversal.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
LeonhartFour posted...
the best scenario would be if FFVII somehow beat Undertale

because that would be the biggest miracle of all

it writes itself too

"The contest's dyin', Cloud!"
"Let's mosey."
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
Plugging Goldeneye into the GOTD x-stats shows it being practically equal to MGS3.
"Nothing I could do!"
Omniscientless posted...
Hey guys, remember when Pikachu saved us from L-Block 2.0? And then Charizard saved us from L-Block 3.0? And then Mewtwo went insane and put up a decent fight against Daaven while Sephiroth got destroyed?

Always pray to the PokeGods. Even Undertale's fanbase will tremble against the PokeFEAR.

pokemon didnt do much vs lblock, the joke got stale and it was a 1 time thing.

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